Re: TR references checker

* Dominique Hazaël-Massieux wrote:
>> might be useful to extend it to
>> check for RFCs. I am not sure whether there is similar machine-readable
>> data for Internet Drafts... 
>Dan Connolly had come up with a script that turns this HTML list in RDF:

Well, the script actually turns the text/plain index file into RDF and
the document I referred to is XML not HTML... :-)

>> It might be better UI-wise to state "newer version available" rather
>> than "potential outdated ref".
>Hmm... In fact, due to the way the checker works as of today, this
>wording would likely be more confusing;

Well, I thought of something like

  There are newer versions available for the following references:

    | Reference | New version |

That should not really confuse anyone...

Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2004 11:53:53 UTC