w3.org search box


Users of your website like me who want to use the search box are
redirected to a Google screen saying this:

> Before you continue…
> To be consistent with data protection laws, we’re askingyou to take a  
> moment to review key points of Google’sPrivacy Policy. This isn’t about  
> a change we’ve made —it’s just a chance to review some key points.
> We’ll need you to do this in order to continue using Googleservices.

On the face of it, it looks like a very political box that intersects with
a lot of controversy I currently hear about. It would be nice if you had a
way to let us search your website in some other way.

Of course, users are always free to search w3.org on their favourite
search engine – but then why keep a search box on w3.org at all?

Best regards,
Tom at Guerillamail.

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Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 14:52:53 UTC