Re: access denied on

On 23 Oct 2012, at 22:12, Ian Jacobs wrote:

> Whoops, it seems the directory proper is not public (don't know why)  
> but schemas within it are:

Ian, I'm afraid there is a "Whoops" from my side as well...

Looking at the internet archive, it seems the access error was already  
there in 2008:

To be frank, I'm not so sure anymore that this has actually ever  
worked, I may have been using the schema urls above instead.
And if it ever did, I'm not sure whether the schema url resolved to  
the basic or the full version.


Do you know/remember if the wn20 schema url
has actually ever resolved to anything, and, if so, to which version?
Or did it intentionally not resolve (because it was unclear how to  
handle the basic/full issue)?


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 20:42:39 UTC