Re: Feature suggestion: Detect hash tag and expand corresponding group automatically in groups list?

On 26 Sep 2011, at 4:18 AM, Francois Daoust wrote:

> Hello Ian,
> Once a community or business group gets proposed, it enters the "proposed" list. Next thing you'll want to do is to point people to it so that they support your great idea.
> A proposed group does not have a dedicated page AFAICT. So you'll end up with an anchor in the list of proposed groups, for instance:
> Given the current number of proposed groups, the anchor does not help much: on typical desktop screens, the browser will stick to the top of the page. Not exactly the visibility you'd like to have for your super cool group-to-be.
> Proposed solutions:
> - expand the corresponding section in this page automatically (through JavaScript) based on the hashtag
> - and/or create a real page that people could bookmark and share for each proposed group

Hi Francois,

Something like that is on the todo list already. I'm working with the designer (but it's slow going right now).



> Francois.

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 26 September 2011 13:02:33 UTC