W3 still a leader in inconsistency and hypocrisy

As the main site's CSS has recently changed, revisiting the issues raised in 
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/site-comments/2009Nov/0048.html and its 
progeny now seems appropriate.

From: http://www.w3.org/
http://www.w3.org/2008/site/css/advanced line 1:
body {font-size: .82em}
http://www.w3.org/2008/site/css/advanced line 4:
#w3c_container {font-size: 108%}

This nets 88.56% as base font size on the main content wrapper, 14.16px by 
virtue of most web browsers' default settings.

 From http://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/font-size (2008 version):
'Size: respect the users' preferences, avoid small size for content

     As a base font size for a document, 1em (or 100%) is equivalent to 
setting the font size to the user's preference. Use this as a basis for your 
font sizes, and avoid setting a smaller base font size
     Avoid sizes in em smaller than 1em for text body, except maybe for 
copyright statements or other kinds of "fine print."'

Current version:
'Size: respect the users' preferences, avoid small size for content

     As a base font size for a document, 1em (or 100%) is equivalent to 
setting the font size to the user's preference.
         Many users prefer that designers do this because it means that the 
text size will follow user preferences.
         However, because many sites do adjust the base font size, setting a 
base font size to 1em may result in text size that looks inconsistent from 
other sites. Note: after discussion in 2009, W3C adopted this approach for 
its own redesigned site.
     Avoid sizes in em smaller than 1em for text body, except maybe for 
copyright statements or other kinds of "fine print."'

So, the QA tips page is de facto inconsistent, recommending that readers 
follow the tip, while the W3 continues to do what it recommends against.

part 2: W3 home page remains XHTML 1.0, while trumpeting HTML5.
"How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose
understanding rather than silver." Proverbs 16:16 NKJV

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 13:57:45 UTC