Re: i just noticed...

On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 08:56:33AM +0200, Mike LaRoque wrote:
> Hello, I just noticed that the whole right side of the front page, once
> clicked, brings you to googles search engine.
> I'm not quite sure if that's supposed to do that. :-)
> Click pretty much anywhere on the right side of the page except on a
> link, and I believe you will notice what I'm talking about.


  after trying the homepage again on a bunch of different browsers here,
I cannot reproduce the problems you are experiencing. Could you confirm
it still happens, and if yes, send us the details of which user agent
(name, version, OS) you are using ?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Henri Fallon - W3C Webmaster

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 05:15:36 UTC