Re: Is this an error?

On Mon, 2003-05-19 at 18:32, Mandy Richardson wrote:
> Hi,
> On the example showing how to associate data cells...
> the closing TR tags are missing, and on some of the proceeding examples the
> closing TD tags are missing.
> I thought you must always close theses tags. Is this a mistake?

Hi Mandy,

In HTML, end tags for some elements are optional. In XHTML,
end tags for non-empty elements are required. 

There are advantages to including end tags (and if your
content is XHTML you can use cool tools like XSLT). 

You can use Tidy for things like adding end tags.

Thank you,

 - Ian
> -- 
> Ian Jacobs (
> Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 03:55:47 UTC