Fw: request

Dear Sir ,

I have a small problem. If I want to add a field to table ( with atribute rowsspan>1 or  colspan>1 ) using one of following method ie:
- DOM insertAdjacentHTML 
- insertCell
- insertRow

Problem which I have is that method insertAdjacentHTML  dosent allow me to insert cell or  row to table


        function my()
         p1.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd","<tr><td>any text 9</td><td>any text 10</td><td>any text 11</td></tr>");

      <table id="p1" border=1>
                 <td rowspan=2>any text 1</td>
                 <td>any text 2</td>
                 <td>any text 3</td>
                 <td>any text 4</td>
                 <td>any text 5</td>
                 <td>any text 6</td>
                 <td>any text 7</td>
                 <td>any text 8</td>
      <input type="button" value="power" onclick="my();">

with method  insertCell() or  insertRow() i cant operate with atributes (chodzi głównie o rowspan i colspan), so if you could help me how to solve this problem ill be greatfull

                    Sebastian (hostmaster@incontinuo.pl)

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 08:14:09 UTC