Re: Not as strict as it could have been

Chris Croome wrote:
> Hi
> > Chris Croome wrote:
> > >
> > > This is possible to get working without causing problems -- my home
> > > page,
> > > has 2 columns for people using Netscape 6 and
> > > IE5 and a single column for people using older browsers. This has all
> > > been done using CSS and it's XHTML strict and it's been tested using
> > > Lynx etc The CSS I used is all linked to as text files from here:
> > >
> >
> > Yes, but that involves browser sniffing (if I'm not mistaken).
> > I didn't mention that one design constraint was "no browser sniffing".
> There is no browser sniffing on my site in terms of CSS :-)
> All browsers get the default style sheet (or another if they
> selected a different one using cookies)

Can you explain what that means: "or another if they
have selected a different one using cookies"? 

>  and then browsers that
> support @import (IE 4/5 and NN6) get an additional style sheet
> which sents some sizes using em's (this is to prevent IE3 doing
> daft things) and finally there is a third style sheet only used
> on the front page and this does the columns and it's called using
> @import as well so Netscape 4 won't get it.

This is absolutely browser sniffing: you are giving some clients
content that others do not get (based on their known support
for @import). Our style sheet has been designed to work across 
a number of browsers, but once we've decided that 
(and it's an all-too-small subset of the CSS specification) 
everyone gets the same style sheet. 
> The only browser sniffing I have set up is a special message that
> Lynx users get!

Well, the "trick" is nice to know, in any case.
> BTW this list archive is rather cool with all the Reply-to links
> set up to work really well :-)

I'll tell our systems guys who do a great job. Thanks!


> --
> Chris Croome <>

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Monday, 3 July 2000 19:28:48 UTC