Re: Not as strict as it could have been

Bertilo Wennergren wrote:
> Hi!
> The new design looks nice.
> But I'm surprised that XHTML Transitional is being used.
> I would have supposed that W3C would go for XHTML Strict.
> The design uses a layout table. I thought that was considered
> bad style. Is this really tabular data?

Hi Bertilo,

We tried very hard to use CSS floats instead of a table, but
the behavior across browsers was inconsistent and in some cases
made the content inaccessible. Had the results been different
across browsers but acceptable, we probably would have gone with

You are right, the data isn't tabular and we're using a table
for layout. However, we made sure that the results made
sense when "linearized" (e.g., when used with Lynx).
> If the window is made less wide than the logo plus the menu column,
> the menu disappears from view. That could have been prevented by
> placing the logo by itself at the top. Actually this kind of
> "problem" is seen a lot these days on many pages. One single image
> limits the possibilities of resizing the window. In your case it's
> not nearly as bad as in some other cases...

We tried that design as well, then changed it to the current
form in order to save a little space. Thank you for your input!

- Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Saturday, 1 July 2000 11:30:16 UTC