Links to non-W3C standards sites?

When I first visited W3C, I scrambled around, trying to find the published standard for JavaScript (which I later learned was called ECMAScript, from ECMA).  Similarly, in investigating the SVG markup language, I found an obscure reference to "IDL" -- and no mention anywhere on the W3C site of just what IDL was, other than a name for the acronym:  Interface Definition Language.

It would be exceptionally nice of W3C to provide links on its mainpage to other standards bodies such as ECMA @ and OMG at , which hosts OMG IDL, a standard used in defining the SVG objects for the DOM, and especially to the documents used by W3C in reference.

IDL was mentioned not once in the SVG References page, and has a broken link in the DOM2 References page.  No mention in the DOM1 refs.

My apologies if this message is a bit tart -- I'm really getting into the new standards the W3C is putting out, and I've started using the new XHTML tag defs in my pages and public posts at Website Abstraction.  Kudos to everyone for their hard work so far behind the scenes!!

Alex Vincent
co-moderator, Website Abstraction JavaScript Programming Help Forum

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2000 05:03:28 UTC