Re: Announcement: Volume 1, Issue 1 of TGDK published

Re. HTML submissions/versions of "PDF" articles -- arXiv has already 
started work on HTML publishing using LaTeX [1], including tooling and 
guidelines [2]. This means existing processes where authors submit LaTeX 
sources can be co-opted without extra work for authors to produce HTML 
versions (on the publishers side) - including RDFa etc. This can be the 
"innovation" for Dagstuhl to experiment with. The research group behind 
this is KWARC which is also based in Germany (same as Dagstuhl) - so 
there is a good match here.

[1] HTML as an accessible format for papers
[2] LaTeXML: a TeX and LaTeX to XML/HTML/ePub/MathML translator.


On 20/12/2023 03:33, Aidan Hogan wrote:
>> Will the journal accept contributions to Graph Data and Knowledge in 
>> documents formats that are human- and machine-readable, where 
>> significant units of information (as deemed by its authors) is 
>> structured and available as a "graph" (think e.g., HTML+RDFa)?
> At the moment, we accept only PDFs compiled with LaTeX for the official 
> production process, but
> * all meta-data associated with publications are published under CC0;
> * we are making a push for structured data: we require ORCID ids, DOIs 
> for publications and citations, etc.;
> * authors hold the copyright of their own works under CC-BY 4.0, so 
> there are no limitations on authors publishing, for example, HTML+RDFa 
> versions of their papers in their own web space, and if there's a 
> critical mass of such papers, we could look into various ways to 
> "systematise" this (one such way, already enabled, is to link to related 
> versions of the paper from the official publication);
> * we are open to explore innovations regarding the publication process 
> as best serve the community (of course the final publication details are 
> down to Dagstuhl Publishing, but they too are open to innovations).

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2023 15:40:25 UTC