- From: <angalletta@ieee.org>
- Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 11:09:53 +0100
- To: semantic-web@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAN9y1QJWKPDphznPsCh396Povu_ibmW_16LzMB9BruR8CiixVQ@mail.gmail.com>
Dear users of Semantic-Web mailing list, Dear colleague, due to requests arrived in the last week and encouraged from CCGrid chairs, we inform you that we have extended the regular papers' submission deadline of Cloud2Things workshop to February 14th, 2021 (Firm). Moreover,we are pleased to inform you that Best papers presented at the workshop will be selected and the corresponding authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for possible publications in: MDPI Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220) IF 3.275 ( https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/SIECS) To submit a paper to the workshop, please, use the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cloud2things2021 Please, for any question email us at cloud2things@googlegroups.com =========================================================================== Cloud2Things 2021 - The 1st Workshop on Cloud-to-Things continuum: towards the convergence of IoT, Edge and Cloud Computing The Langham - Melbourne, Australia May 10-13, 2021 - https://cloud2things2021.netsons.org/ in conjunction with the 21th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2021) =========================================================================== MISSION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss problems, solutions, open technical challenges, and perspectives of ongoing research activities concerning the orchestration of resources in the Cloud-to-Things continuum landscape. The Cloud-toThings continuum concept refers to the opportunity of taking advantage of a broad computing context that mixes Cloud, Edge and IoT resources, thus providing a “continuum” of computing services that applications will be able to access in a transparent and uniform fashion. TOPICS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Management services Service provisioning and monitoring in a Cloud-to-Things environment Resource elasticity in Cloud-to-Things contexts Algorithms and systems for automated elasticity Orchestration and automation of management activities Cross context/domain service migration Cross cloud offloading Orchestration of microservices; Blockchain-based resource orchestrator Machine learning techniques for resource orchestration Openness and integration Open-source private Cloud-to-Things solutions Open interoperability issues in Cloud-to-Things solutions Cloud-to-Things federations Data management Scalable storage architectures in Cloud-to-Things; Data migration in Cloud-to-Things Data governance across Cloud-to-Things Data Analytics Distributed Analytics Cloud Orchestration Serverless Execution of Machine Learning and SQL workloads on the Cloud Orchestration of Complex Mixed Data-parallel Dataflow Workloads on the Cloud-to-Things Continuum Stateful Workload Orchestration for Serverless environments on the Cloud Non-functional features Quality of Service and SLA in Cloud-to-Things Service continuity Autonomic Cloud-to-Things Fault management in Cloud-to-Things provisioning Disaster mitigation Scalability of Cloud-to-Things supports and infrastructures Security policies in Cloud-to-Things Cost mitigation strategies Applicative domains Smart City Smart Industry Smart Grid Smart Agriculture Smart Health The use of Soft Computing/Computational Intelligence methods in facing problems in the above topics is highly welcome, although not compulsory. PAPER SUBMISSION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors are invited to submit their papers written in English in IEEE double-column format (IEEE standard conference templates). Papers can be either full, with a maximum length of eight (8) printed pages, or short, with a maximum length of four (4) printed pages. In both cases, the number of pages includes figures, tables & references. Submissions should contain original material and not be previously published, or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed for scientific quality by the Technical Program Committee. All papers should be submitted via EDAS using the following link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cloud2things2021 Paper submission implies the willingness of at least one author to register, at the regular rate (non-student), and present the paper. The Workshop Proceedings will be part of the CCGrid 2020 Proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The IEEE SIoTEC Workshop is using the EDAS Conference Management System to manage the paper submission process. BEST PAPER AWARD: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A "Best Paper Award" Certificate will be conferred on the author(s) of a paper presented at the workshop, selected by the Chairs based on scientific significance, originality and outstanding technical quality of the paper, as assessed also by the evaluations of the members of the Program Committee. Best papers presented at the workshop will be selected and the corresponding authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for possible publications in: MDPI Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220) IF 3.275 ( https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/SIECS) IMPORTANT DATES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission deadline: February 14th, 2021 (Extended, Firm) Notification of paper acceptance: February 24th, 2021 Submission of camera-ready papers: March 3rd, 2021 VENUE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Langham - Melbourne, Australia http://melbourne.langhamhotels.com.au/ CHAIRS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prof. Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna, paolo.bellavista@unibo.it Dr. Giuseppe Di Modica, University of Bologna, giuseppe.dimodica@unibo.it Dr. Antonino Galletta, University of Messina, angalletta@unime.it Dr. Ioannis Konstantinou, National Technical University of Athens, ikons@cslab.ntua.gr FOR ANY OTHER INFORMATION https://cloud2things2021.netsons.org/ or email us at cloud2things@googlegroups.com
Received on Thursday, 4 February 2021 10:10:09 UTC