Reasoning with ontologies and knowledge graphs?

I am a member of the AIOTI WG Standardisation activity on semantic interoperability [1]. We are interested in getting a better feeling for what kinds of automated reasoning people are realising, or seeking to realise, with ontologies and knowledge graphs, along with the associated use cases. 

In principle, there are many opportunities for a wide variety of different forms of reasoning, including logical deduction and ontological entailment, induction, abduction, spatial and temporal reasoning, causal reasoning, plausible reasoning, qualitative reasoning, fuzzy reasoning, analogical reasoning and so forth. This spans approaches based on formal semantics, approaches based on probability theory, as well as informal approaches that mimic human reasoning.

We welcome suggestions for designing a survey on automated reasoning.

[1] <> 

Many thanks,

Dave Raggett <>
W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Received on Saturday, 11 December 2021 10:53:27 UTC