Re: Structured literals - was RE: Blank nodes must DIE! [ was Re: Blank nodes semantics - existential variables?]

Hi Simon,

I find these examples and links useful. Thank you.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 01:46:56AM +0000, Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) wrote:

> 1.  JSON literals is specified in
> - the
> `rdf:JSON` datatypes

When using json-ld that would be like embedding a graph in a literal,
wouldn't it ?

> The argument for moving some kinds structured data over to the other
> side of the RDF|Data boundary is that the operations that are
> generally carried out on those are (in this case)
> geometric/algebraic rather than logical, and thus use different
> engines.

If in general the operations carried out on RDF are logical and the
operations carried out on geo:gmlLiteral are geometric/algebraic, can
GeoSPARQL be considered a proof that at times, you need to operate on
both sides in the same query ?

Are there other similar extensions to sparql, JsonSparql or
DateTimeSparql maybe ?

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2020 09:14:51 UTC