Complex ontological alignment

Dear all,

I am searching for a way to create complex ontological alignments.
I would like to state that two patterns of type 1-to-n are equivalent.

The typical use case I have in mind is the declaration of equivalence 
between a flat statement and a property chain, as in the two patterns 

@prefix : <> .
@prefix ex: <> .

ex:book ex:hasauthor "John".

:book :hasbeencreated :creation_event .
:creation_event :carried_out :person .
:person :is_identified_by :appellation .
:appellation rdfs:label "John" .

another important type of equivalence, but slightly different, which I 
would like to declare is the one between these two patterns:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix ex: <> .

ex:Architect rdfs:label "John" .

:Person :classifiedAs <> ;
 rdfs:label "John".

<> a gvp:Concept ;
 rdfs:label "architects"@en .

The first one declare an instance of the class Artist according to an 
ontology(x), the second classify as artist, using a controlled 
vocabulary term, an instance of a person declared using the ontology 

Do you know how can I express such alignments?

I heard about EDOAL, but sincerely I did not fully grasped how to 
actually use it.



Nicola Carboni
Research Fellow
University of Zurich
Post Box 23
Ramistrasse 71 8006 Zurich

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 16:55:57 UTC