[CfP] [Deadline Extension] Second International Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKG2019)

Dear all,

The deadline for the Second International Workshop on Contextualized
Knowledge Graphs (CKG2019) has been extended to July 5th. More information


Second International Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKG2019)
Co-located with ISWC 2019 (Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-27, 2019)

We cordially invite you to submit your paper to CKG2019, which will be held
as a part of the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) in
Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-27.


Previous workshop: https://wiki.foodmedy.com/index.php/CKG2018

Submission deadline (extended):  July 5th, 2019

CKG2019 is concerned with knowledge graphs with contexts, i.e., every fact
is enriched by the contexts (e.g., provenance, time, location, or
confidence). Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKGs) have been gaining
importance in the recent years. Research topics include contextualized and
distributed Description Logics, annotation of statements in the Semantic
Web, and Distributed Knowledge Repositories. Real-world use cases include
the creation of collaborative knowledge bases, such as Wikidata, where
qualifiers and references can be attached to every statement. This workshop
aims to serve as a gathering point for researchers and industry interested
in CKGs to discuss current challenges and future solutions, and raise
awareness about this emerging topic to a more broader Semantic Web
community. This workshop addresses fundamental as well as practical topics
including (i) logical models to encode the contextual annotations in the
graph, (ii) reasoning and querying over CKGs, (iii) using CKGs in
applications such as query answering, data mining, or machine learning,
(iv) techniques to benchmark or improve the performance of CKG storage and
querying systems. This workshop is complemented by a W3C community on this


—Dimensions of Context: such as provenance, time, location, confidence,
trust, certainty, and etc.
—Modeling and Representing context on knowledge graphs
—Logical reasoning over contextualized knowledge graphs
—Sharing and Linking contextualized knowledge graphs
—Applications/use cases of contextualized knowledge graphs
—NLP and ML techniques for extracting facts along with contextual
—Question answering over contextualized knowledge graphs
—Curation and Maintenance of contextualized knowledge graphs
—Evaluating and optimization of the performance for queries with contexts.
—Benchmarking contextualized knowledge graphs
—Compression techniques for contextualized knowledge graphs
—Mining and learning algorithms with CKG as Background knowledge
—Publishing models for contextualized knowledge graphs
—Social media and contextualized knowledge graphs
—Domain specific knowledge graph and context (esp. Health and biomedicine)


Paper submission and reviewing for this workshop will be electronic via
EasyChair. The papers should be written in English, following the Springer
LNCS format, and be submitted in PDF on or before July 5th, 2019.

Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ckg2019

CKG2019 explicitly welcomes alternative and enhanced submission formats,
such as communicative online materials. Authors who are preparing such a
submission should contact the workshop organizers in advance to make sure
we can accommodate for them in the submission and review process. All
deadlines are midnight Hawaii time.

The following types of contributions are welcome:

Full research papers (8 pages).
Position papers (4-6 pages).
Short research papers (4-6 pages).
System/tool papers (4-6 pages).

We especially welcome the papers describing the datasets and use cases with
contextual information such as provenance, time, location, certainty, and

Dataset paper (4-6 pages).
Usecase paper (4-6 pages).


-Vinh Nguyen (vinh.nguyen@nih.gov), US National Library of Medicine, NIH.
-Amit Sheth (amit@knoesis.org). Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University.
-José M. Giménez-García (jose.gimenez.garcia@univ-st-etienne.fr).
Université Jean Monnet of Saint-Étienne, France.


CKG2019 proceedings will be published at the CEUR workshop series.

Best Regards.

*Jose M. GimÉnez GarcÍa*
Ph.D. student
*Laboratoire Hubert Curien*
Bâtiment F
Campus Manufacture
18 RUE Pr Benoît Lauras
*http://laboratoirehubertcurien.fr <http://laboratoirehubertcurien.fr>*
04 77 91 57 80

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2019 07:07:02 UTC