- From: Margaret Warren <mm@zeroexp.com>
- Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2018 13:07:02 -0400
- To: Sarven Capadisli <info@csarven.ca>, Steven Harms <sgharms@stevengharms.com>, semantic-web@w3.org
- Cc: Linking Open Data <public-lod@w3.org>, public-rww <public-rww@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <E1g3lNU-0007CY-Sc@mimas.w3.org>
Hello Steven, What kind of collection are you wanting to annotate with RDF? Please check out: http://www.imagesnippets.com The authoring tool is for annotating image collections using linked data, but does exactly what you suggest below and is designed for users of all types, including those not educated in semantic technologies. 1) we have cached vocabularies: DBpedia, Art and Architecture Thesaurus and Yago, though you can use the tool to author your own vocabularies as well OR we will import other vocabularies as desired by a user. You can use a variety of schema.org markup - although this is a discussion for a different thread as we allow a variety of vocabularies and this makes strict validation with the google structured data tool difficult. 2) we have a custom designed look up for each stage of building the triples: subject, predicate, object which is straightforward. 3) we provide a lightweight ontology for the predicate options which is functional for a variety of reasons. But we are not exclusive with that either. So, if someone has their own vocabulary for properties, this can also be used. 4) the resulting RDF is then stored multiple ways...in named graphs, in RDFa with html files linked to the image, and with supplied sparql end point. Further, we have a word press plug-in for dynamically pulling the images based on sparql queries and publishing those images in web galleries with both the RDFa and JSON-LD. 4) while the original intent was to annotate mainly images we can also annotate some other 'subjects' (experimental at this stage) and 5) in a reverse engineering scenario, images can be used for ontology engineering using the tool. We are interested in finding researchers who may want to work with us on projects of all types. Wonder who is updating that w3c link on authoring tools? Maybe we can get added? Best,Margaret Warren Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message --------From: Sarven Capadisli <info@csarven.ca> Date: 9/22/18 12:06 (GMT-05:00) To: Steven Harms <sgharms@stevengharms.com>, semantic-web@w3.org Cc: Linking Open Data <public-lod@w3.org>, public-rww <public-rww@w3.org> Subject: Re: Pragmatic Authoring Tools for RDF Stores On 2018-09-22 15:36, Steven Harms wrote: > /Note: Vocabulary choice might be off below. Read with maximal flexibility/ > > After reading up on RDF, vocabulary authoring, and getting to know a > number of vocabularies, I want to populate a collection. However, when I > make my first steps in this regard I find myself both hindered and > confused by lack of tooling. > > *Interface: *As an example, I'd expect to be able to find a tool that > lets one import vocabularies to the tool as the available options with > authoring statements. Given the "triple," I'd expect to select a > subject, predicate, object as chosen from those data provided by the > cached vocabularies. > > When I look for such a thing > (https://www.w3.org/wiki/AuthoringToolsForRDF), the tools are mostly > > 10 years old with few updates and no /de facto/ standard. In general, > most searches to find an authoring platform point to dead links or > bit-rotted pages. Ultimately, this leads me to ask whether my > understanding is correct. > > Questions: > > 1. Is authoring like I described above desirable, expected? Is it hoped > that individuals would think "Hm, instead of a bulleted list in a Google > Doc, I'll add these notes using (sought RDF tool)." Or is the > expectation that some other storage / interface / solution that emits > RDF will be the primary interface? > > 2. Assuming individual authorship /is/ a desired thing, is the > "Interface" I described above a reasonable sketch of the user experience? > > 3. Assuming individual authorship as desirable and the UX as > appropriate, why doesn't that (seem to?) exist? > > While I doubt that RDF Collections will be used for casual > shopping-lists etc., there are a number of places where they ought be > useful in both home and business (e.g. `home:photoAlbum2009A > schema:about lifeEvents:tripToLondon`) and being able to author them in > a pleasant UI that enriches a collection in a virtuous cycle seems to be > the future this group is striving toward. > > Clarifications will be greatly appreciated, > > Steven > > > > > > -- > Steven G. Harms > PGP: E6052DAF > <https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x337AF45BE6052DAF> Hi Steven, Check out: * https://ods-qa.openlinksw.com/rdf-editor/ (close to what you are looking for I think) * https://dokie.li/ In case you are not already aware, you might want to engage in Linked Data/Read-Write Web-centric mailing lists (in CC): * public-lod@w3.org * public-rww@w3.org -Sarven http://csarven.ca/#i
Received on Saturday, 22 September 2018 17:07:34 UTC