Re: Seeking LDP server recommendations

> On 7 May 2018, at 17:32, Sarven Capadisli <> wrote:
> On 2018-05-07 09:58, ajs6f wrote:
>> Trellis LDP provides similar equipment, including a standalone server:
>> which also creates rpm and deb artifacts, a WAR deployment:
>> and Docker gear:
>> I've actually been quite impressed over the last few years at the way that many semweb and LOD projects have taken up devops ideas and made their deployment much easier.
> Oh, trellis is further ahead in about every aspect than mayktso, and
> probably many other LD(P)-and-friends implementations. "Similar
> equipment" (and quality) is an understatement :) For anything super
> serious / production level, I would not recommend mayktso; it was
> originally intended to get LDN (test suite) going and to test things
> with dokieli.
> The Fedora implementations are looking great,.. and with the spec in the
> works (or in its last stretch), I'm looking forward to seeing cool
> applications.
> I'm going a bit off track here but relevant to all LD(P) implementations:
> Technically LD servers are not major hurdles at this point... neither is
> it the case to get LDN/ActivityPub, WebAnnotation, Memento, and a number
> of other specs implemented. That's relatively trivial to:
> 1) having a stable *global* authentication mechanism
> 2) properly implemented across the board
> 3) with decent browser support and UX across devices
> is a major challenge - a bottle-neck that's preventing far more advanced
> stuff happening than what we're used to seeing. We haven't yet nailed
> that down.
> Without WebID-* (TLS, OIDC, FIDO?..), users are fundamentally locked
> into platforms/web spaces which do their own thing. And, we can't expect
> client applications and servers to continue to implement 50 different
> ways to sign-in; some working on certain Webspaces but not the others..
> Getting non-technologists to create and manage their own profiles
> somewhere they sufficiently trust and control is next up on the list. At
> the moment, it is quite involving - to put it mildly - even for those of
> us that have been working in this vicinity - decentralisation ..
> federation - for at least a decade.
> We're relatively okay with authorization - WAC/ACL seems to be
> sufficient to handle/speak our *initial* needs.
> We'll find out more once we have an ecosystem of applications doing RW
> operations across different Webspaces, *and* users being able to switch
> between applications seamlessly. That's one of the fundamental changes
> the LD/Web community needs.
> So, while it is great to see that there are some LD(P) server
> implementations out there, they are relatively disjoint nodes in the
> network, especially concerning the applications that are operating over
> them. The data may be "interlinked" across the space, but the
> applications are fixed/immobile. And, that effects the shape of data, as
> well as its potential reuse.
> The good news... there a number of initiatives (from standards to
> activism) and developments happening, or have sufficiently matured, and
> people are enthusiastic about all this. Slowly but surely.

Having worked on LDP, SoLiD, WebID and WebACL I'd say that is a good summary.

There is a need to explain the background assumptions of the next generations of hyper-text
navigators, which I call  hyper apps, because once one understand that this is missing
everything clicks into place.
  So I have written a paper that I hope (if you get over the first bit of logic) should help 
there called "Epistemology in the Cloud - on fake news and digital sovereignty"

I myself need to seriously refactor my LDP/SoLiD server to catch up with the latest improvements
in Scala development that have happened in the past 3 years. And there have been huge 
    And this has to be followed by a similar development of libraries on the client side, since
hyper applications are really new types of Browsers...

But once the big picture is understood, you'll see there is no other serious way forward.


> -Sarven

Received on Monday, 7 May 2018 22:21:34 UTC