How to name the namespaces?

I currently have the following RDF associated with namespace:

@prefix : <> .
@prefix lang: <> .

    a :Transformer ;
    :sourceNamespace <> ;
    :universal true ;
    :inward false ;
    #:targetNamespace <...> ;
    :precedence :precedence-include ;
    :script [
      a :Command ;
      :language lang:XInclude ;
      :transformerKind :entire ;
      :preservance 1.0 ;
      :stability 1.0 ;
      :preference 1.0
    ] .

Now I want to give specific (non-blank) names to transformers and 
script, like this:

    a :Transformer ;
    :sourceNamespace <> ;
    :universal true ;
    :inward false ;
    #:targetNamespace <...> ;
    :precedence :precedence-include ;
    :script <> .

      a :Command ;
      :language lang:XInclude ;
      :transformerKind :entire ;
      :preservance 1.0 ;
      :stability 1.0 ;
      :preference 1.0 .

My question: is it a good idea to associate URLs of the form with my objects?

I am somehow afraid that in the future makers of XInclude standard may 
also want to use namespaces and this 
may conflict or mess with my node subjects.

What node subjects would you recommend to use?

Received on Saturday, 15 December 2018 23:01:37 UTC