Re: Mad idea: Programming language based on RDF

In the "extensions of SPARQL family" we have:

Minimal type inference for Linked Data consumers.
<> *Journal of Logical and
Algebraic Methods in Programming *84.4 (2015): 485-504. DOI:
10.1016/j.jlamp.2014.12.005 <>
(there's a short video explaining the scripting language)

We describe a domain specific language for updating a local triple store
using Linked Data consumed from elsewhere on the Web (using HTTP GET). This
language is "domain specific" in the sense that it makes a particular task
easy (getting RESTful Linked Data, SPARQL and RDF Schema talking

Other languages Fabien and Steffen mention are domain specific in another
direction, typically focused on queries integrated in language suited to
generating templates and analytics (correct me if I misinterpret your

Similarly to Steffen, a grad student implemented a prototype of our
SPARQL-inspired scripting language, but more work is required. For now it
is a core language specification.

Kind regards,


Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 07:20:39 UTC