- From: Sebastian Samaruga <ssamarug@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 15:56:40 -0300
- To: jaccoud@petrobras.com.br
- Cc: Paul Houle <paul.houle@ontology2.com>, public-lod <public-lod@w3.org>, John Flynn <jflynn12@verizon.net>, Sebastian Hellmann <hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>, DBpedia <Dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net>, semantic-web at W3C <semantic-web@w3c.org>
- Message-ID: <CAOLUXBsONhHoch34LVkuY=qMDyAo02yQivg2wMrMnMyVTXUr7A@mail.gmail.com>
Question: isn't it possible to 'aggregate' classes of subjects in respect to the properties / predicates some set of subjects have in common. Example: a Person class subjects would have 'birthPlace', 'birthDate' and 'name' properties and an Artist subclass would have those properties of Person plus 'creatorOf' properties of artworks objects. So a superclass would have a superset of the properties of a subclass. Sorry for my ignorance. Best, Sebastian. On Jul 6, 2017 3:30 PM, <jaccoud@petrobras.com.br> wrote: > Virtus in medium est. > > I agree that by any standard, the DBpedia Ontology is messy, and needs > some work. Otherwise, it would be only a list of concepts with almost no > relations between them. These relations (the subconcept hierarchy and other > relevant relations defined by the authors of the ontology) need to be there > if the ontology is to be useful to something more than mere documentation.. > > However, a well sound ontology needs a LOT of work, and the wider the > scope, the harder it is to get it right. Since DBpedia has no scope > boundaries, the amount of work to select a suitable foundational ontology > and expand it would be huge. No, I'm not quoting Trump, it is really huge.. > > What DBpedia needs is a few abstract notions without commitment to any > foundational ontology, since the tradeoffs each FO makes would hurt DBpedia > genericity. For example, different groups may fight years about an exact > definition of "Software", but most will agree it is a intelectual product, > such as a romance, a song or a theater play. The ontology should reflect > that, without getting in details about how software is encoded, versioned, > reified etc., since these details are important only to applications > dealing with the concept of software, and not for DBpedia itself. > > A few months ago, I complained that ComputerLanguage was not a subconcept > of Language, and it was promptly corrected, since it is very hard do > disagree with that. There are a lot of places where such refactoring is > needed, and I think it would help a lot. Further refining, such as creating > subclasses of ComputerLanguage, should be avoided in the name of keeping > the ontology simple and generic. Upper-level classes are needed to sort > things out, but one should also avoid defining things like disjointness > because it would lead to stuff like partition completeness and other stuff > which are clearly not needed for the purposes of DBpedia. > > But I agree a cleanup is needed, since a lot of dbo:Things don't make much > sense. > > *Cheers.* > ============================================= > Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral > Petrobras, Brazil > ============================================= > > > > > > De: "Paul Houle" <paul.houle@ontology2.com> > Para: "John Flynn" <jflynn12@verizon.net>, "'Sebastian Hellmann'" < > hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>, "'semantic-web at W3C'" < > semantic-web@w3c.org>, 'public-lod' <public-lod@w3.org>, 'DBpedia' < > Dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net> > Data: 2017-07-06 12:25 > Assunto: Re: [DBpedia-discussion] Call for Ontology Editor demos > for DBpedia > ------------------------------ > > > > I would disagree. > > The DBpedia Ontology is not designed to support any specific kind of > reasoning. > > What it *is* designed to do is capture the somewhat structured data that > exists in Wikipedia. Following the much misunderstood "semantic web", the > emphasis is on properties first, and then classes second. Think of it as > a set of baseball or Pokemon cards; the point is not to replicate or even > closely describe the performance or rules of the game, but to go after the > long hanging fruit of "things that are easy to ontologize." > > There is a real price to pay for this; from the viewpoint of conventional > application development and introductory computer science, the data is not > always factually correct or satisfies the invariants required for a > particular algorithm. Practically that means that you might ask for "US > States" and get 48 or 51, that somebody like Barry Bonds or Mel Gibson has > their career much better represented than J. Edgar Hoover or J. Eric S. > Thompson, and you would probably find that the "tree of life" in DBpedia > is not really a tree. > > If you need to reasoning in some domain you need to find some area you are > willing to pump the entropy out of, create the data structures appropriate > for what you want to do, and possibly incorporate data from DBpedia, > doing whatever cleanup is necessary. That's not different at all from the > situation of "doing reasoning over reasoning over data collected by a large > organization". > > > > ------ Original Message ------ > From: "John Flynn" <*jflynn12@verizon.net* <jflynn12@verizon.net>> > To: "'Sebastian Hellmann'" <*hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de* > <hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>>; "'semantic-web at W3C'" < > *semantic-web@w3c.org* <semantic-web@w3c.org>>; "'public-lod'" < > *public-lod@w3.org* <public-lod@w3.org>>; "'DBpedia'" < > *Dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net* > <Dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net>> > Sent: 7/5/2017 11:43:02 AM > Subject: Re: [DBpedia-discussion] Call for Ontology Editor demos for > DBpedia > > I have long been curious about the DBpedia ontology structure so I just > took a look at the ontology represented in ( > *https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/375401/dbo_no_mappings.nt* > <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/375401/dbo_no_mappings.nt>) as > referenced in the email below. > I normally start the evaluation of an ontology by looking at the top-down > class relationships. So, I did a search for the classes that were listed as > a direct subclass of owl#Thing to get a general idea of the organization of > the DBpedia class structure. > To say the least, I was sorely disappointed. Here are a few of the DBpedia > classes that are direct subclasses of owl#Thing: Food, Media, Work, Blazon, > Altitude, Language, Currency, Statistic, Diploma, Award, Agent, > PublicService, Disease, GrossDomesticProdutPerCapita, ElectionDiagram, > Demographics, Relationship, Medicine, List, BioMolecule. I gave up after > this small sample. It is obvious that the DBpedia community needs to worry > a lot more about the structure of the ontology itself rather than focusing > on selecting a new editor. A working group needs to be established to go > back to the drawing board and look at the DBpedia ontology form the top > down. It certainly doesn't make much sense as it is currently structured. > > John Flynn > *http://semanticsimulations.com* <http://semanticsimulations.com/> > > > *From:* Sebastian Hellmann [mailto:*hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de* > <hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>] > *Sent:* Wednesday, July 05, 2017 10:43 AM > *To:* 'semantic-web at W3C'; public-lod; DBpedia > *Subject:* [DBpedia-discussion] Call for Ontology Editor demos for DBpedia > > > Dear all, > > we are preparing a switch from the mappings wiki ( > *http://mappings.dbpedia.org* <http://mappings.dbpedia.org/>) to another > ontology editor and started to collect requirements/tools here: > > > *https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwtJJ3jIlrQAPwHYhvpw4a4Z4hZorTGaZTB8Bq8Y-TI/edit* > <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwtJJ3jIlrQAPwHYhvpw4a4Z4hZorTGaZTB8Bq8Y-TI/edit> > > We already have a demo for Webprotege thanks to Ismael Rodriguez, our GSoC > student. As we are lacking time and resources, we will probably only > consider editors with a running demo, so the community can try it. > Our main interest is of course to manage the DBpedia core ontology and > push any mappings to other ontologies in separate files. So we provide a > core version for demo purposes created with: > rapper -g dbpedia_2016-10.nt | grep -v '\( > *http://schema.org\|http://www.wikidata.org\|http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org\* > <http://schema.org/%7Chttp:/www.wikidata.org/%7Chttp:/www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/>)' > > dbo_no_mappings.nt > > *https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/375401/dbo_no_mappings.nt* > <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/375401/dbo_no_mappings.nt> > (I hope that the regex didn't kick out anything essential or broke any > axioms...) > > We would be very happy, if anyone from the semantic web community would > make a demo with their favorite editor and add a link to the Google Doc and > post a short message on the DBpedia discussion list[1] or on slack > *https://dbpedia.slack.com/* <https://dbpedia.slack.com/>. > > This would help us to make a more informed decision. The next DBpedia Dev > online meeting will be on 2nd of August 14:00 (each first Wednesday per > month). Presentations of editors are also welcome. We will also discuss the > editor question during the DBpedia meeting in Amsterdam, co-located with > SEMANTiCS on 14.9. *http://wiki.dbpedia.org/meetings/Amsterdam2017* > <http://wiki.dbpedia.org/meetings/Amsterdam2017> > > Thank you for your help! > > [1] *https://sourceforge.net/projects/dbpedia/lists/dbpedia-discussion* > <https://sourceforge.net/projects/dbpedia/lists/dbpedia-discussion> > > -- > All the best, > Sebastian Hellmann > > Director of Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies (KILT) > Competence Center > at the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at Leipzig University > Executive Director of the DBpedia Association > Projects: *http://dbpedia.org* <http://dbpedia.org/>, *http://nlp2rdf.org* > <http://nlp2rdf.org/>, *http://linguistics.okfn.org* > <http://linguistics.okfn.org/>, *https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt* > <http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt> > Homepage: *http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann* > <http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann> > Research Group: *http://aksw.org* <http://aksw.org/>--------------- > --------------------------------------------------------------- > Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most > engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot______ > _________________________________________ > DBpedia-discussion mailing list > DBpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dbpedia-discussion > > > > > > "O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento. > Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. Sem a devida > autorização, a divulgação, a reprodução, a distribuição ou qualquer outra > ação em desconformidade com as normas internas do Sistema Petrobras são > proibidas e passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal." > > > > "The sender of this message is responsible for its content and addressing.. > The receiver shall take proper care of it. Without due authorization, the > publication, reproduction, distribution or the performance of any other > action not conforming to Petrobras System internal policies and procedures > is forbidden and liable to disciplinary, civil or criminal sanctions." > > > > "El emisor de este mensaje es responsable por su contenido y > direccionamiento. Cabe al destinatario darle el tratamiento adecuado. Sin > la debida autorización, su divulgación, reproducción, distribución o > cualquier otra acción no conforme a las normas internas del Sistema > Petrobras están prohibidas y serán pasibles de sanción disciplinaria, civil > y penal." >
Received on Thursday, 6 July 2017 18:59:33 UTC