
On 8 February 2017 at 09:00, Neubert, Joachim <> wrote:

> I wonder if Wikidata's notability criteria (
> prohibits to use it as a linking hub for less famous people, institutions etc.

Possibly, there are still some grey areas around Wikdiata's notability
policy; but I don't know SameAs' policy, so can't compare.

Some people argue that the existence of a third-party identifier is
sufficient to justify an entry in Wikidata.

> To give an example: I suppose that it would be not considered ok if I would add a Wikidata item just to
> connect my ORCID (, my GND (
> and perhaps my Google Scholar ( identities.

Can you do that in SameAs?

Andy Mabbett

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 12:43:42 UTC