Trailing slashes in RDF


IIRC you asked a while back on this list about the semantics associated 
with two URIs that differ only in the presence/absence of a trailing 
slash. I've been spending some time looking at the RDF available for 
ORCIDs recently, for example [1]. It's difficult to spot but in fact 
they use a URI like to refer to a 
person (in this case Ivan Herman) and the same URI with a trailing slash 
to refer to his online account.

Clearly these two URIs *are* different and are being used consistently 
to distinguish between a real world object and its description, but, by 
convention, do you think the difference is sufficient to be regarded as 
'safe?' Is following good practice here?

FWIW, no, one URI does not redirect to the other.





Phil Archer
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 6 March 2015 17:25:45 UTC