A MOOC in french on « Semantic Web and Linked Data » by Inria-uTOP

Dear colleagues, 

We'd like to inform you that a new MOOC, called « Semantic Web and Linked Data », will be available on March, 2 2015 on the French platform France Université Numérique (FUN). This course will be taught by Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby and Catherine Faron-Zucker, from the Wimmics team (Inria, I3S, CNRS, UNS). 

This french-speaking course invites you to learn about semantic web and linked data standards. It will present several languages, such as RDF, SPARQL, OWL and many more, which will allow you to interact with data on the web. It is more especially aimed at computer engineers and computer science students, particularly in the field of information systems. It can complement traditional university courses on basic web technologies. 

This MOOC was created by Inria’s MoocLab, as part of the uTOP project ( http://utop.fr/ - http://utop.inria.fr/ ). uTOP is an IDEFI project that aims to create a demonstrator for increasing research visibility through out training. 

Feel free to register and share this information widely. The course is free and open to everybody : 

> MOOC « Semantic Web and Linked Data » (on FUN). 

The latest news about Inria’s MOOCs can be found on the following Twitter account: @MoocLabInria. The latest news about the MOOC « Semantic Web and Linked Data » can be found with the following hashtag : #moocwebsem 

Bonus : some pictures of the shooting are avalaible on Inria's Mooc Lab website . 

Best Regards, 

Inria's Mooc Lab 

Isabelle Rey 
Mooc Lab Inria 

Tel : +33 (0) 4 76 61 55 66 

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 08:10:13 UTC