Join us for the next Protege Short Course at Stanford University, March 21 - 23, 2016!

*** Apologies for cross-posting! ****

Dear all,

We are very happy to announce the next Protege Short Course to be held at Stanford University, California between March 21 - 23, 2016.

The Protege Short Course offers a 3-day intensive training in use of the Protege toolset, ontology development, and OWL. We cover best practices in ontology building and the latest Semantic Web technologies, including OWL 2, RDF, and SPARQL. We also cover topics such as real-world applications with ontologies, and data access and import from different data sources. The course is hands-on and is taught by the members of the Protege team.

Read more about it at:

If you have any questions about the Protege Short Course, please email:

Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested in the course. Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you next Spring!

Best regards,
The Protege Team

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2015 22:47:19 UTC