Re: Test of Independent Invention: RDF

On Apr 28, 2015 9:59 AM, "Bob DuCharme" <> wrote:

> On 4/27/2015 5:08 PM, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
>> All of this Semantic Web stuff has existed for a while now. One would
>> expect that there is a company or consortium out there which has made 1-10
>> million bucks applying technology, which couldn't have been without the
>> Semantic Web.
> If you're looking for a dramatic success story in which one company is
> 100% about semantic web technology and then makes a million dollars, here's
> one:
Bob, they were not purchased due to RDF. Their triplestore and use of RDF
was at best support for their main project  They were purchased because
they would use honeypots to identify identity fraud. It's possible they
used RDF to help combat identity fraud, but they were not purchased because
of RDF. That's like saying a social networking company was purchased
because they were using this thing called a SQL database :)

That being said, there's more investment in RDF than there used to be. Has
the technology hit a home-run like XML and taken over the industry?

The honest answer is "no, not yet." And XML is rapidly being eroded by JSON
and Javascript. Who knows what will be next?


Companies such as TopQuadrant, Franz, and Cambridge Semantics are doing
> just fine, and more importantly, their customers are doing quite well using
> this technology. I think the more interesting thing to look at is the
> number of well-known companies that while not devoting themselves 100% to
> this technology, are still getting more and more work done with it:
> It's been interesting to see different divisions of Bloomberg joining
> these ranks lately.
> Bob DuCharme
> @bobdc

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 21:52:10 UTC