Re: Lists in Turtle, embed object directly

Yes, as long as you don't need to identify that list or put other
properties on it. (In which case you would need to use owl:sameAs or
explicitly define the first chain of the list using rdf:rest and rdf:first)

With the indirection of your :list property (or perhaps better :steps) you
should not need to do that as you can attach other stuff to :flow, and the
list can remain anonymous (as its content, in your example).
 On 20 Oct 2014 16:29, "Victor Porton" <> wrote:

> The following Turtle file describes a workflow of two steps.
> @prefix : <> .
> :step1 :file <http://example.org1> ;
>        :obj  <http://example.org1> .
> :step2 :file <http://example.org2> ;
>        :obj  <http://example.org2> .
> :flow :list (:step1 :step2) .
> My question:
> Can it be rewritten without explicit definition of identifiers :step1 and
> :step2 but embed their defining properties directly in the list?
> Something like that (not sure whether it parses):
> :flow :list (
>   [:file <http://example.org1> ; :obj  <http://example.org1>]
>   [:file <http://example.org2> ; :obj  <http://example.org2>]
> ) .
> If it cannot be done in Turtle, then I prefer to switch to plain XML
> instead of RDF for this particular task.
> --
> Victor Porton -

Received on Wednesday, 22 October 2014 07:58:21 UTC