Lists in Turtle, embed object directly

The following Turtle file describes a workflow of two steps.

@prefix : <> .

:step1 :file <http://example.org1> ;
       :obj  <http://example.org1> .

:step2 :file <http://example.org2> ;
       :obj  <http://example.org2> .

:flow :list (:step1 :step2) .

My question:

Can it be rewritten without explicit definition of identifiers :step1 and :step2 but embed their defining properties directly in the list?

Something like that (not sure whether it parses):

:flow :list (
  [:file <http://example.org1> ; :obj  <http://example.org1>]
  [:file <http://example.org2> ; :obj  <http://example.org2>]
) .

If it cannot be done in Turtle, then I prefer to switch to plain XML instead of RDF for this particular task.

Victor Porton -

Received on Monday, 20 October 2014 15:24:28 UTC