Re: How RFC 5988 Link Relation fits Linked Data?

Here's a take.

In we introduced URIs that can be used pretty much 
equivalently as link relation types in Link: headers, OR as properties in RDF. 

used in a Link: header (sect 3.1), thus:

     Link: <>;

or as an RDF statement (sect 3.3, using Turtle):

     <> ...
        prov:has_anchor       <> ;
        prov:has_provenance   <> ;

In this case, we deliberately went with the full URI syntax for the relation, 
rather than a registered short name, so the correspondence was easily maintained.


On 01/11/2014 18:19, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to ask for help with clarifying use of RFC 5988 Link
> Relation in context of Linked Data.
> In Activity Streams 2.0, which very recently became WPWD, we currently find:
> * as:Link - Describes a link to a separate resource.
> * as:rel - The RFC 5988 Link Relation associated with a Link.
> With some examples of their use available in:
> I must admit that their usage don't feel intuitive to me, at least from
> my relatively short experience of working with Linked Data. I would
> appreciate any help with clarifying how RFC 5988 Link Relation fits
> world of Linked Data.
> I also just noticed seemingly relevant issue in Mark Nottingham's
> Internet-Drafts repository:
> As well as this article from 2011:
> Thank you in advance!

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2014 22:14:38 UTC