Re: [WWW 2015] Call for Research Papers

On 2014-11-03 19:42, Aldo Gangemi wrote:
> :):):)
> I followed the recent thread on using web formats in scientific publishing, and I agree that WWW conferences should allow to eat our own dogfood somehow.
> Unfortunately, this discussion started too late to be of any use for the next WWW2015.
> Anyway, IW3C2 (the committee supervising WWW confs) is pretty aware of the discussion, and eventually, specially in the context of linked science, publishing data associated with papers, etc., things will start changing.
> Also look at WWW2015 joint events, I’m pretty sure that there will be room for f2f discussion ;).
> Aldo
> PS did you know that George Takei (first to play lieutenant Sulu) is quite well connected with PR activities for Google? probably you’re closer to truth than expected ;)

Good news, everyone!

Aldo, thank you for the feedback :)

Will IW3C2 share some of its concerns (whether they are on the technical 
or social end) so that the enthusiastic among us can contribute?

In the spirit of the Web and its values, this is for us and we need to 
build it together.



Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2014 08:25:03 UTC