Re: RDF Interface specification

Am 03.07.2014 13:49, schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
> The RWW Community Group has already agreed to incubate this spec 1-2
> years ago.
> Adrian, Thomas and Nathan are already participants in this group. [1]

The JavaScript community has already some implementations and much
experience with RDF-Interfaces. So I would continue the work in the RDF
JavaScript Community Group. Also this is just a small detail. And I'm
happy about everyone who is interested in work on the spec.

> My understanding was that this spec was essentially complete.  From what
> I remember it was on REC track, pending some minor details to RDF 1.1. 

That was also my impression. And that's also the reason why I created a
new spec for the extensions. If there are parts of RDF-Ext we can very
fast agree on, maybe we can include them in RDF-Interfaces. Other things
mentioned on the mailing list (e.g. query stuff) should be covered in
different specs, so we don't get lost in details. Renaming it to
RDF-Interfaces-Core would be an option.

> I think Nathan was a bit pushed for time to support and maintain this
> work, and from what I remember it was changed from REC track, to Note,
> due to what was felt to be insufficient resources ...
> Now that RDF 1.1 is baked, it should be possible to finish this work, if
> indeed it's not finished already.

Is it possible for a community group to work on a spec for the REC
track? Beside the work on the spec, what must be done to get RDF-Interfaces

- again on the REC track?
- on the charter of a proper WG?

Anyway I create a GitHub repository to work on the spec [1]. If there is
a WG which would cover RDF-Interfaces next year, we have much time to
prepare stuff in the community group. My idea is to create everything
required for the REC/WG so we just have to change labels.

> The RWW would be really happy to help out any way we can.  Alternatively
> another community or working group could pick up the ball, if wished. 
> Very happy to help here, just let us know what you feel need doing or
> the next steps

We should schedule a initial teleconference to see who is interested and
discuss the first tasks/issues.


Received on Friday, 4 July 2014 17:48:23 UTC