Final CfP: EKAW 2014: Diversity in a Heterogeneous World (With Combined SWJ Track!)



EKAW 2014: Diversity in a Heterogeneous World

19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge
Management (EKAW 2014). November 24-28, 2014, Linköping, Sweden.


The 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge 
Management is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, 
modeling and managing knowledge, and its role in the construction of 
knowledge-intensive systems and services for the Semantic Web, knowledge 
management, e-business, natural language processing, intelligent 
information integration, personal digital assistance systems, and so forth.

The special focus of this year's EKAW will be on diversity. In the 
recent past the amount and ease of availability of data has dramatically 
increased. While scale and complexity of information has always 
attracted attention, its heterogeneity in nature and usage are only now 
being investigated more systematically. Data-driven research is gaining 
increasing visibility in areas such as in eScience or eHumanities, but 
such distinct fields require diverse knowledge management and 
acquisition methods. Knowledge in the Cultural Heritage domain radically 
differs from what is required to run a global company or support 
projects in the developing world. The geosciences produce and consume 
data spanning a wide range of formats, topics, perspectives, and 
sources, and require the integration of such heterogeneous data to 
foster data sharing, access, retrieval, and reuse, without restricting 
semantic heterogeneity. EKAW 2014 will put a special emphasis on this 
diversity of knowledge and its usage.

In addition to the main research track, EKAW 2014 will feature a 
Tutorial and Workshop Program, as well as a Poster and Demo Track. 
Moreover, there will be a Doctoral Consortium giving new PhD students a 
possibility to present their research proposals, and to get feedback on 
methodological and practical aspects of their planned dissertation.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Verlag 
in the LNCS series.


EKAW 2014 welcomes papers dealing with theoretical, methodological, 
experimental, and application-oriented aspects of knowledge engineering 
and knowledge management. In particular, but not exclusively, we solicit 
papers about methods, tools, methodologies and application case studies 
relevant with regard to the following topics:

1) "Knowledge in a diverse world"

Methods and methodologies addressing the challenges of diversity, such as:
       Semantic heterogeneity
- Semantic interoperability
- Scalability, robustness, etc.
- Multi-perspective data
- Semantic mediation
- Ontology and vocabulary matching and alignment
- Data-driven ontology engineering
- Privacy and data security
- Data reuse
- Maintenance costs and financial risks

Lessons learned from case studies, e.g.:
- Knowledge management in large organizations
- Adoption of semantic web technologies
- Maintenance of corporate knowledge repositories
- Applications in domains such as
- eGovernment and public administration
- Life sciences, health and medicine
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Automotive and manufacturing industry
- Cultural heritage
- Digital libraries
- Geosciences
- Knowledge in the developing world (ICT4D)

2) Knowledge Management

- Methodologies and tools for knowledge management
- Knowledge sharing and distribution, collaboration
- Best practices and lessons learned from case studies
- Provenance and trust in knowledge management
- Methods for accelerating take-up of knowledge management technologies
- Corporate memories for knowledge management
- Evolution, maintenance and preservation of knowledge
- Web 2.0 technologies for knowledge management
- Incentives for human knowledge acquisition (e.g., games with a purpose)

3) Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition

- Tools and methodologies for ontology engineering
- Ontology design patterns
- Ontology localization
- Ontology alignment
- Knowledge authoring and semantic annotation
- Knowledge acquisition from non-ontological resources (thesauri, 
folksonomies etc.)
- Semi-automatic knowledge acquisition, e.g., ontology learning
- Mining the Semantic Web and the Web of Data
- Ontology evaluation and metrics
- Uncertainty and vagueness in knowledge representation
- Dealing with dynamic, distributed and emerging knowledge

4) Social and Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Representation

- Similarity and analogy-based reasoning
- Knowledge representation inspired by cognitive science
- Synergies between humans and machines
- Knowledge emerging from user interaction and networks
- Knowledge ecosystems
- Expert finding, e.g., by social network analysis
- Trust and privacy in knowledge representation
- Collaborative and social approaches to knowledge management and 
- Crowdsourcing in knowledge management


We will accept different types of papers. The papers will all have the 
same status and follow the same formatting guidelines in the proceedings 
but will receive special treatment during the reviewing phase. In 
particular, each paper type will be subject to own evaluation criteria. 
The Programme Committee will also make sure that there is a reasonable 
balance of the paper types accepted. At submission time the paper has to 
be clearly identified as belonging to one of the following categories.

- Research papers: These are "standard" papers presenting a novel 
method, technique or analysis with appropriate empirical or other types 
of evaluation as a proof-of concept. The main evaluation criteria here 
will be originality, technical soundness and validation.

- In-use papers: Here we are expecting papers describing applications of 
knowledge management and engineering in real environments. Applications 
need to address a sufficiently interesting and challenging problem on 
real-world datasets, involving many users etc. The focus is less on the 
originality of the approach and more on presenting systems that solve a 
significant problem while addressing the particular challenges that come 
with the use of real-world data. Evaluations should involve a 
representative subset of the actual users of the system.

- Position  papers: We  invite researchers to also publish position 
papers which describe  novel and  innovative ideas. Position papers  may 
also comprise an analysis of currently unsolved problems, or review 
these problems from a new perspective, in order contribute to a better 
understanding of these problems in the research community. We expect 
that such papers will guide future research by highlighting critical 
assumptions, motivating the difficulty of a certain problem  or 
explaining why current techniques are not sufficient, possibly 
corroborated by quantitative and qualitative arguments.

Submissions of research and in-use papers should be formatted according 
to Springer Verlag LNCS guidelines, not exceed 15 pages, and uploaded 
using Easychair (
Position papers are required to have at most 5 pages in the same format.


Combined conference/journal (fast-track) submission:

In addition to the regular conference submission, we offer authors the 
possibility to submit their work to a combined conference/journal 
submission track. Papers submitted via this track will be  published as 
regular research paper in the EKAW 2014 Springer conference proceedings; 
an extended version of the paper will be published as a full journal 
paper at the Semantic Web journal (SWJ) by IOS Press.

The deadline and Easychair submission system for the combined submission 
is the same as for the conference-only track. Authors interested in the 
combined track should indicate this via the submission system.  Papers 
submitted to the combined track will then undergo the regular (open and 
transparent) SWJ review process with the following possible decisions:

* Rejected
* Accepted for the conference proceedings
* Accepted for the conference proceedings and invited for extended 
submission to the Semantic Web journal

Papers that are acceptable for both will be printed in the Springer 
volume and authors will be asked to submit an extended version (at least 
30-50% new content, e.g., full literature review,  full evaluation, 
proofs, additional results, additional case studies, implementation 
details) within 6 weeks. This extended version will then undergo a 
fast-track review  process, i.e., we assume that the paper as such is 
'acceptable' and the reviewers will focus on revisions. These revisions 
could still be substantial and the final acceptance is based on their 
authors' ability to address those revisions. Papers in the 'accepted for 
the conference proceedings' category will be accepted to the EKAW 
Springer proceedings.'

The organisers of EKAW 2014 are committed to an open and transparent 
reviewing process. For this reason we encourage authors to submit their 
paper as a combined conference/journal submission. Their submissions, 
and the reviews, are then public, which fosters scientific discourse and 
high quality reviewing.


Important Dates:

Abstract Submission:    July 9, 2014
Full Paper Submission:  July 16, 2014
Notification:           September 3, 2014
Camera-Ready:           September 19, 2014


General Chairs
       Patrick Lambrix       Linköping University, Sweden
       Eero Hyvönen          Aalto University, Finland

Program Chairs
       Krzysztof Janowicz    University of California, USA
       Stefan Schlobach      Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Krzysztof Janowicz

Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
5806 Ellison Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060

Semantic Web Journal:

Received on Friday, 4 July 2014 16:59:10 UTC