RE: non opaque primary topics

URIs are opaque, so it doesn't matter at all :-)


---------- Original Message -------------
From: Melvin Carvalho [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 11:08 PM
To: Semantic Web
Subject: non opaque primary topics

the standard model in sem web seems to be
<> foaf : primaryTopic <#relative-uri>
I've seen 4 relatively common relative URIs used here and there
1. #me -- common in foafs
2. #i -- often used by timbl and tobyink
3. #this -- used by kingsley as per the 'this' keyword in OO
4. # -- used by facebook and others
It's a very common case that a document will contain one primary topic and I
want to standarize all of my pages (mainly robots) into one of these 4.
It seems to me that (4) is the most sensible choice, after "it doesnt
Does anyone have any preference here?

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 21:26:30 UTC