Akamu v0.6 release

Akamu [1] has been updated to version 0.6. The major changes include:

- Major updates to implementations of SPARQL 1.1 protocols
  (Graph Store and RDF Protocol) as well as support for
  SPARQL 1.1 Service Descriptions and result formats in the latter
- Configuration for access to remote SPARQL endpoints from within service
- Facilities for configuring repoze.who WSGI middleware to provide
  identification and authentication information to a service implementation
- A library for enforcing WebAccessControl (WAC) RDF assertions
against requests
  to a service implementation

Documentation has been added for these last 3 new features:


A tutorial has also been added:


There were also fixes to existing functionality and new tests for new

Please report any issues to the Google Code issue tracker.

Akamu has been updated in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be
installed as
described in the tutorial.  A more detailed changelog is below


- various fixes to SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store Protocol validator implementation
- various fixes to SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store, RDF Protocol, and Service
  implementations to match specification
  (see: http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/implementations)
- added akamu.lib.wheezy.memcached decorator for Akara services for use as
  memcached-based server-side caching.  This capability is covered by
the wheezy
  decorator but used for situations where client-side caching is not
an option.
  Takes a single argument which is the memcache server or socket file
- akamu.lib.wheezy.WheezyCachingAdapterSetup constructor now takes a
  memcache_socket keyword argument which is the memcache server or socket file.
- fixes to wheezy caching capability to properly avoid running the wrapped
  application upon a cache hit
- added result_xslt_directory entry to akamu dataset configuration
  (for Triclops configuration).
- added Ask method to akamu.config.dataset module.  Has same signature as Query
  but returns boolean value that corresponds to result of the query
- major fix to dependency wiring between wheezy cache framework
- added debug boolean keyword to Ask and Query function in akamu.config.dataset
- major fix to parameters of xslt_rest decorator so they are not sticky between
  calls to the services they decorate
- other major fixes to wheezy caching
- ported 4Suite XSLT references to use Amara where possible and
enclosed imports
  with try/except/warnings otherwise (xslt extensions don't work and references
  to them have been removed)
- xslt_rest decorator now takes srcIsFn keyword (boolean) argument
that (if True)
  indicates the source is a method to be called to get the source for
the transform
  (same as the decorated function would be called)
- fixed xslt_rest decorator to use proper signature (with srcIsFn)
- unicode is encoded as UTF-8 before transformation via xslt_rest decoration
- use of regular StringIO, rather than cStringIO (may need to revisit later) to
  handle unicode
- synch with updates to wheezy.http (caching dependency key)
- added python-memcached dependency
- added akamu.security.acl.web_acl decorator of Akara services, used with
  repoze.who middleware with an Akamu Graph Store containing WAC RDF statments
  to manages access to the services
- added test suite for web_acl decorator
- added Akara WSGI app wrapper for repoze.who by itself or with the akamu.wheezy
  WSGI middleware wrapper
- added SPARQLService type to Akamu Graph Store configuration (for remote SPARQL
- added music brainz mashup test files
- other minor fixes

[1] https://code.google.com/p/akamu

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 04:44:36 UTC