Re: Shopping for research venues

On 20 March 2013 12:36, Sarven Capadisli <> wrote:

> Dear community,
> I would like to know which venues (e.g., conferences, journals) are out
> there that accepts research documents in (X)HTML+CSS+JavaScript+MathML+**SVG
> etc. as the primary and final format. On that note, which accepts an HTTP
> URI of the research?


> As far as I know, there are none out there, but I want to be wrong about
> this!
> What I'm hoping for are a bunch of things:
> Although not ultimately necessary, a venue to submit to that would have
> some weight given "reviewed and approved" stamps.
> Not being at the mercy of classical publishers needs when it comes to
> sharing knowledge given the technologies that we have at our disposal.
> In the absence of such forward-looking venues, I would love to see an open
> discussion on what's really needed to make it happen and be it the default
> approach when it comes to sharing research findings. Pragmatic approaches
> are always welcome, so, this doesn't have to be about "how to we make all
> scholarly publishing get on the Web?", but rather for starters, "how do we
> make scholarly work of Linked Data and Semantic Web researchers and
> practitioners get on the Web"?
> I don't mean to belittle or overlook the hard work that some groups are
> already actively involved in e.g., Semantic Web Journal, Semantic Web Dog
> Food, FORCE11. I'm merely looking for more out of this community.
> For those that this sounds desirable, please voice yourself because there
> are indeed many like you!
> Humbly yours,
> -Sarven

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 23:59:49 UTC