Call for Papers for Virtual Goods + ODRL 2013

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  Call for Papers for Virtual Goods + ODRL 2013 

  Sep 19-20, 2013 in Koblenz, Germany


The workshop invites papers to two approaches to a trusted and adaptive
Web: top-down by policy-guided behavior and bottom-up by self-organized

Policies help to protect and guide business and private activities in
mobile systems and social networks. We invite papers about the
representation of rules, rights and duties, their visualization,
semantic representation, or enforcement in all critical areas of the
real life in the connected world.

Self-organized movements have come up in recent time by user-driven
content as well as by grassroots activities like Liquid Democracy,
WikiLeaks and coordinated actions through social networks. We invite
papers on p2p and m2m architectures, as well as on self-adaptive
communities and their methodology, their experiences and their impact.

On the one hand the workshop addresses legal, ethical, and secure
business and private activities in mobile systems and social networks.
Rights include ownership rights and copyright (as usual with virtual
goods). Security includes privacy, fairness, confidentiality, integrity,
and availability. The specific policy view addresses policies as a way
to describe behavior. It also addresses the development of languages to
specify policies as artifacts (ODRL et al.). It addresses the challenges
to present policies, to modify policies, to use policies for automated
behavior, and to trust policies.

On the other hand, the workshop addresses new ways of cultural
cooperation. The modern Web allows for safe bottom-up activities as a
way to self-organization and self-adaptation. The balance of a
self-organized bottom-up way of cooperation with a legal, ethical and
safe culture is a specific challenge of the workshop. Moreover, we
invite especially for a debate about a top-down approach by policies
versus a bottom-up approach by self-organization.



- Descriptions of aims and strategies
- Specification of rules
- Semantic policies for virtual goods and services
- Policies for licensing, flow control, privacy, fairness (and,
possibly, more)
- Presentation, automation, visualization, protection, and evaluation of

Self-organized movements:

- M2M, P2P
- Self-adaptive consensus making
- Liquid Democracy, eVoting
- Methodology, experiences and impact of self-organization 

And, of course, as usual for E-Content and Virtual Goods:

- Digital goods, digital services
- User-driven content, service-driven content
- Societal and economic conditions and impact
- Security and privacy in the context of content processing
- Use of Linked Data and semantic descriptions for virtual products and
- Legal issues in semantically describing and offering virtual products
and services 


- We expect full papers by April 22, 2013

- Decision about acceptance by May 20

- Camera ready papers due July 1

- Early bird registration to the workshop: Sep 6, 2013
- 11th Virtual Goods + ODRL 2013: Sep 19-20, 2013

See also:

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research as full
papers (max. 15 pages).

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the program
committee for originality, significance, clarity and quality.

Authors should use the LNI format. For the camera-ready papers follow
the author´s guidelines
( and
use the Word template
( or the LaTeX template ( If you are used to the Springer LNCS format, you will find it easy to adapt

Paper submission will be through the ConfTool of the mother conference
“Informatik 2013” (,
please register there, log in and upload your paper through “Your
Submissions” and “Virtual Goods+ODRL” 


Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the workshop
with ISBN number under the label of the Gesellschaft für Informatik
(GI). Printed book versions are available. In addition, the Virtual
Goods workshop proceedings will be available online on the Virtual Goods
Website, as usual since our first
workshop 2003.


Rüdiger Grimm
IT Risk management
University Koblenz-Landau

Ansgar Scherp
Data and Web Science
University Mannheim, Germany

Steering Committee:
Rüdiger Grimm and Jürgen Nützel and Renato Iannella

6. Program Committee

Alapan Arnab, T-Systems, South Africa
Borka J. Blazic, University and Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, SLO
Nathaniel Borenstein, Mimecast, Greenbush, MI, USA
Karlheinz Brandenburg, Technical University Ilmenau, DE
Wojciech Cellary, The Poznan University of Economics, PL
Jean-Noël Colin, University of Namur, BE (PC co-chair)
Jaime Delgado, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, ES
Jana Dittmann, Uni Magdeburg, DE
Ed Gerck, Safevote Inc., San Diego, CA, USA
Ruediger Grimm, University of Koblenz-Landau, DE (Conference chair and
PC co-chair)
Susanne Guth-Orlowski, castLabs GmbH, DE
Berthold Hass, University of Flensburg, DE
Thomas Hess, University Munich, DE
Yuh-Jong Hu, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Renato Iannella, Semantic Identity, AU
Pramod A. Jamkhedkar, Princeton University\\\\\\\'s EE Department, USA
Deepa Kundur, University of Toronto, Canada
Paolo Nesi, Departimento di Sistemi e Informatica, University Firenze,
Juergen Nuetzel, AG, Ilmenau, DE 
Ansgar Scherp, University Mannheim, DE (PC co-chair)
Frank Stoll, UBS, Zürich, CH

Jun.-Prof. Dr. habil. Ansgar Scherp
University of Mannheim  Phone: +49 621 181-2647
B6, 26 Room B1.14       Fax  : +49 621 181-2682
D-68131 Mannheim        Mail :

- Mark Musen at #iswc2012 keynote: "Reusable patterns [in knowledge
bases] are a good idea"


Received on Sunday, 3 February 2013 19:50:01 UTC