- From: Giorgos Stoilos <gstoil@image.ece.ntua.gr>
- Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 20:41:17 +0200
- To: Undisclosed recipients <gstoil@image.ntua.gr>
****************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS The 8th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems Athens, Greece, September 15-17, 2014 http://www.rr-conference.org/RR2014 ****************************************************************** == RR == The International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) is a major forum for discussion and dissemination of new results concerning Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. RR 2014 is associated with the following interesting event: - 10th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2014) Athens, Greece, September 8-13, 2014 http://reasoningweb.org/2014/ The Reasoning Web Summer School (RW) is a great opportunity particularly for young researchers to combine with attendance of the conference. Submissions by summer school participants are particularly encouraged. == IMPORTANT DATES == * Main Event Dates * - Title and Abstract submission: April 13, 2014, before 23:59 UTC - Full papers submission: April 20, 2014, before 23:59 UTC - Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2014 - Camera-ready submission: June 13, 2014 * Doctoral Consortium Dates * - Abstract submission: April 27, 2014 - Notification of acceptance: May 18, 2014 - Camera-Ready: June 6, 2014 == TOPICS == RR welcomes original research from all areas of Web Reasoning. Topics of particular interest are: - Semantic Web, rule and ontology languages, and related logics - Reasoning, querying, searching and optimization - Incompleteness, inconsistency, and uncertainty - Non-monotonic, commonsense, and closed-world reasoning for the Web - Dynamic information, stream reasoning and complex event processing - Decision making, planning, and intelligent agents - Machine learning, knowledge extraction, and information retrieval - Data management, data integration, and reasoning on the Web of data - Ontology-based data access - System descriptions, application, and experiences == INVITED SPEAKERS == Frank van Harmelen (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands) Markus Krötzsch (Technical University of Dresden, Germany) == DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM == Following the success the RR DC in 2012 and 2013, RR 2014 will also host a doctoral consortium, which will provide doctoral students in Web Reasoning and related areas with a unique opportunity to present and discuss their research directions, be involved into state-of-the-art research discussion and supported in establishing fruitful collaborations with prominent researchers and pioneers in the field of Web Reasoning and Rules and related areas. The RR-DC will also provide a forum where PhD students can share ideas, and receive constructive feedback on ongoing work from peer students. More details about the DC, student application procedure, and student grants can be found at http://sextant.di.uoa.gr/rr2014/?q=node/24 Further details will also be communicated by means of a separate Call for Papers. == PUBLICATION & JOURNAL == The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). After the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of a prestigious international journal. == SUBMISSIONS == Submissions must be prepared in Springer's LaTeX style llncs (http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/Authors.html). There are two submission formats: - Full papers (up to 15 pages) - Technical Communications (up to 6 pages) Submitted full papers should present original and significant research results. They must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a workshop with informal proceedings is allowed, like for instance the DL 2014 workshop. Technical communications are intended for promising but possibly preliminary work, position papers, system descriptions, and applications descriptions (which may be accompanied by a demo). Submissions will be made via EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rr2014 == BEST PAPER AND BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARDS == Awards for Best Paper and Best Student Paper will be presented to the corresponding author(s) at the conference. The best student paper will be selected among the ones written mainly by students (i.e., persons not holding a PhD as of March 30, 2014), and the Best Student Paper award will be assigned only in case a student is not one of the main authors of the paper winning the Best Paper award. To qualify for the Best Student Paper award, the authors must indicate their eligibility upon submission at easychair. == ORGANIZATION == General Chair: - Axel Polleres (Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna, Austria) Program Chairs: - Roman Kontchakov (Birkbeck College, UK) - Marie-Laure Mugnier (University of Montpellier 2, France) Doctoral Consortium Chair: - Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria, Italy) Local Chair: - Manolis Koubarakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) Sponsorship Chair: - Giorgos Stamou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Publicity Chair: - Giorgos Stoilos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) == PROGRAM COMMITTEE == José Júlio Alferes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) Darko Anicic (Siemens AG, Germany) Marcelo Arenas (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile) Jean-François Baget (INRIA Montpellier, France) Marcello Balduccini (Drexel University, USA) Leopoldo Bertossi (Carleton University, Canada) Meghyn Bienvenu (Université Paris Sud, France) Fernando Bobillo (University of Zaragoza, Spain) François Bry (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany) Bernardo Cuenca Grau (University of Oxford, UK) Agostino Dovier (Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy) Thomas Eiter (TU Vienna, Austria) Wolfgang Faber (University of Huddersfield, UK) Sergio Flesca (University of Calabria, Italy) Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University, USA) Andreas Harth (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Stijn Heymans (SRI International, USA) Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University, USA) Aidan Hogan (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland) Georg Lausen (Universität Freiburg, Germany) Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University, USA) Domenico Lembo (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy) Carsten Lutz (Universität Bremen, Germany) Thomas Meyer (CSIR Meraka Institute, South Africa) Alessandra Mileo (DERI, Ireland) Marco Montali (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) Boris Motik (University of Oxford, UK) Magdalena Ortiz (TU Vienna, Austria) Giorgio Orsi (University of Oxford, UK) Adrian Paschke (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) Andreas Pieris (University of Oxford, UK) Andrea Pugliese (University of Calabria, Italy) Guilin Qi (Southeast University, China) Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria, Italy) Riccardo Rosati (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy) Sebastian Rudolph (TU Dresden, Germany) Steven Schockaert (Cardiff University, UK) Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany) Giorgos Stamou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Giorgos Stoilos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Umberto Straccia (ISTI-CNR, Italy) David Toman (University of Waterloo, Canada) Martin Theobald (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Michaël Thomazo (TU Dresden, Germany)
Received on Thursday, 5 December 2013 18:43:03 UTC