Re: ANN: Nature Publishing Group Linked Data Platform

Hi Tony - exciting stuff.
A few questions, if I may.
As usual, I go looking for the owl:sameas triples to add to etc.
And congratulations on the CC0 1.0, which I think makes it explicit that I am allowed to.

This has led me to some queries:
When I look at the RDF for
I get 
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <ns0:sameAs xmlns:ns0="" rdf:resource="info:doi/10.1038/nm.2129"/>
(among other things, of course.)
Now, I can of course use to look it up, or append to and look up
and get RDF back.
But I am wondering whether the use of owl:sameAs to a non-http URI is best practice in something that says it is Linked Data?

When I start to SPARQL for owl:sameAs triples, I get
<> owl:sameAs 	<>
as my first result.
Unfortunately gives HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request - "Malformed DOI" as response.
Is this just an error, or is there something deeper here?

Like the others, I went looking for RDF dumps (so as not to hit your server), but found none (I didn't find a robots.txt or sitemap.xml on either).
Can you perhaps advise? - I am after the owl:sameAs data.

I'm really excited about being able to use the data.


On 5 Apr 2012, at 10:17, Hammond, Tony wrote:

> ** Apologies for cross-posting **
> Hi:
> We just wanted to share this news from yesterday's NPG press release [1]:
>    "Nature Publishing Group (NPG) today is pleased to join the linked data
> community by opening up access to its publication data via a linked data
> platform. NPG's Linked Data Platform is available at
>    The platform includes more than 20 million Resource Description
> Framework (RDF) statements, including primary metadata for more than 450,000
> articles published by NPG since 1869. In this first release, the datasets
> include basic citation information (title, author, publication date, etc) as
> well as NPG specific ontologies. These datasets are being released under an
> open metadata license, Creative Commons Zero (CC0), which permits maximal
> use/re-use of this data.
>    NPG's platform allows for easy querying, exploration and extraction of
> data and relationships about articles, contributors, publications, and
> subjects. Users can run web-standard SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
> (SPARQL) queries to obtain and manipulate data stored as RDF. The platform
> uses standard vocabularies such as Dublin Core, FOAF, PRISM, BIBO and OWL,
> and the data is integrated with existing public datasets including CrossRef
> and PubMed.
>    More information about NPG's Linked Data Platform is available at
> Sample queries can be found at
> "
> Cheers,
> Tony
> [1]
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