Wiki space for SWIG collaboration Re: Semantic Web for the Film Industry

On 12 March 2012 15:45, Ghalem Ouadjed (EOWEO) <> wrote:
> Hi
> so do i. Working also on this kind of project but with a french language
> strong restriction area and i will not explain why so there...:)
> I think a wiki could be a nice method but why not a drupal content solution?

Re wiki, SWIG members (that's us...) are welcome to use W3C's main

In fact, it evolved from the old ESW that we set up during the
original SWAD-Europe and SWAD projects, ages ago. So you'll find a lot
of SemWeb notes in there already. For more recent example, the Web
Schemas Task Force wiki pages are all in there, see  and nearby. It's quite a nice
system --- you can use hierarchical URLs to keep things together, and
mediawiki templates. In recent weeks I've been using to keep track
of proposals for that are being discussed over in

As part of this, we got an extension added to the wiki for posting
markup examples; e.g. see ... this is
really handy!

Also templates are quite easy and let you create simple mini-sites.
For each Wiki entry that is about a proposal, I put this in
the top of the page:


...this imports markup and fills out the template based on the content

In this particular case, the template text is:

<div style="background-color: #FADADD; color: #000; padding:
3px;">''This is a [[WebSchemas]] proposal '{{{name}}}'  for
[]. See
[[WebSchemas/SchemaDotOrgProposals|Proposals listing]] for more.
Status:  {{{status}}}''</div>

...this should be reasonably self-explanatory: parameters contain
values like 'name', 'status'. And the template also adds some relevant
categories too.

I've nothing against Drupal, but there's a lot to be said for keeping
notes close to other relate discussions, and a Wiki (especially an
area of a larger wiki rather than a separate installation) has many
benefits there.

Hope this helps,



Received on Monday, 12 March 2012 14:57:41 UTC