Announcement of Post for PRISM 3.0 and the PRISM Source Vocabulary (PSV) Specifications

Just a note that IDEAlliance has just posted a number of Final Draft Specifications that may be of interest to this community.

The Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (PRISM) specification defines an XML/RDF metadata vocabulary for managing, aggregating, post-processing, multi-purposing and aggregating magazine, news, catalog, book, and mainstream journal content. PRISM recommends the use of certain existing standards, such as XML, RDF, the Dublin Core, and various ISO specifications for locations, languages, and date/time formats.
PRISM 3.0 consists of a number of related specifications that can be taken as a whole or module by module.


PRISM Metadata Specifications

The PRISM Metadata Specifications provide definition for the overall PRISM framework. Modules include the PRISM Subset of Dublin Core Metadata, the PRISM Basic Metadata for Serial Publications, the PRISM Usage Rights Metadata, the PRISM Recipe Metadata and PRISM Advertising Metadata.

PRISM General Specifications

General PRISM Specifications include the PRISM Introduction and PRISM Compliance Specifications

PRISM Controlled Vocabulary Specifications

The PRISM Controlled Vocabulary Specifications include a specification for defining controlled vocabularies using a standard XML markup and over 30 domain-specific controlled vocabularies that are ready for publishers to immediately use.


Certain modules of PRISM have "Guides" that instruct the user about how to combine PRISM modules and use schemas for a particular purpose. Guides include the PAM (PRISM Aggregator Message) Guide, PRISM Usage Rights Guide and PRISM Metadata for Images Guide.

PRISM 3.0 adds numerous new Controlled Vocabularies and several new metadata modules:

 *   PRISM Advertising Metadata Specification [PRISMAMS]
 *   PRISM Metadata for Images Specification [PRISMMIS]
 *   PRISM Recipe Metadata Specification [PRISMRMS]
In addition, the publications addressed by PRISM has broadened to include books, blogs, bookazines and websites.
Publishing platforms addressed by PRISM 3.0 include web, mobile, tablets and smart phones as well as print.

In addition to posting PRISM 3.0, IDEAlliance is posting the new PRISM Source Vocabulary (PSV) Specifications.  Over the past two years the nextPub Initiative has developed a family of specifications that form a framework to enable a new publishing paradigm for design-based publications such as magazines and display books. When the nextPub Initiative began, the immediate goal was to make multi-channel publishing both simple and efficient. That is, to meet the iPad challenge. But as the Working Group explored standards and technologies, strategists began to envision monetizing content beyond today's publishing channels. Strategists began talking about developing a "Dynamic Content Architecture" from which new publishing channels can spring by assembling and delivering new content collections based on topics pulled from a multitude of magazine titles or based on personal preferences foretold by Flipboard, Pulse or Zite models. Based on this more aggressive vision, nextPub developed a set of specifications, known as the PRISM Source Vocabulary that serves as the basis for dynamic content publishing framework.  PSV leverages rich metadata and controlled vocabulary semantics from PRISM 3.0 coupled with HTML5 to enable a new paradigm for design-based publishing.
There are two specification formats available.   PDFs that are zipped as well as online versions.  The zip file containing the PDF Specs also includes the XSDs used to generate the diagrams used in those specs.

To download all specs as PDFs, just go to<> and select the download package you require.  There is also a link to the online versions or you can go directly to<>

PRISM Specs for download as PDFs can be downloaded from the nextPub website as well.  The link to online versions can be found on the specifications page of<>  or you can go directly to<>

Dianne Kennedy
VP Emerging Technologies

office: 630-941-8197
cell: 630-908-0770
fax: 630-941-8196

Received on Friday, 22 June 2012 13:54:18 UTC