Re: Additional usages for

Please, not Yet Another Directory of companies, tools, projects.
There are already quite few of these, I think, all expecting people to come along and edit them.
This one went through the list only a couple of months ago.
then for projects there is

Of course, if there is a Semantic Web solution so I only have to provide my data once (or even by publishing an RDF file?)... :-)

Well done all resurrecting semantic

On 16 Jan 2012, at 09:16, Stefan Decker wrote:

> Hi,
> I think this is an excellent idea.
> In the early days we had this with - but it makes
> a lot more sense to integrate it into the main site.
> To give it a head start maybe a few of us (you, Michael, Markus)
> add a number of obvious candidates.
> Best.
> Stefan
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Yury Katkov <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> One of the use cases for can be collecting informations
>> about SW companies. This can be benefitial both for the resourse, for the
>> company and for end users who want to know, what companies are making
>> business related to the Semantic Web.
>> 1) It's good for because wiki will be used more intencively.
>> Some of the companies will eventually decide to post information about their
>> projects.
>> 2) It's good for companies. Some of them are too small to be in Wikipedia,
>> but can experience a need in self-promotion and search engine optimization.
>> rank on is big enough and Semantic MediaWiki can
>> provide Rich snippets for popular engines so that search results will be
>> prettier.
>> 3) It's good for user who is interesing in semantic web technologies - a
>> younger scientist can make a good survey of the companies, a potential
>> customer of semanticweb solutions can have centralized entry point for
>> search the company she needs.
>> Presently there are some companies described on a wiki. But there is no
>> infobox for them and the are not shown on the Main page.
>> Sincerely yours,
>> -----
>> Yury Katkov
>> On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Stefan Decker <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> A recent proposal we are working on is to establish a vocabulary editing
>>> facility under,
>>> If there are suggestions for usages of
>>> we would look forward to hear about those!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Stefan
>>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Dieter Fensel <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>> as Stefan, I think this is a great proposal of you!! I appreciate very
>>>> much
>>>> your kind offer in supporting
>>>> the community in archiving the past.
>>>> Do you also have some proposals in mind on how we should support the
>>>> future
>>>> evolvement
>>>> of this information source?
>>>> Looking forward your advice,
>>>> Dieter
>>>> At 05:42 PM 1/13/2012, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>>>>> It's not an offer, I'm just saying we have one that in the past.
>>>>> For any future project we'd have to understand what is needed and what
>>>>> it
>>>>> would take
>>>>> to do, before we could offer anything.
>>>>> Tim
>>>>> On 2012-01 -13, at 09:46, Stefan Decker wrote:
>>>>>> Tim,
>>>>>> this is a great offer!
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Stefan
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Tim Berners-Lee <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> This is indeed an important issue for the community.
>>>>>>> One community service that W3C has provided in the past has been to
>>>>>>> take over the service of a domain, like, which hosts
>>>>>>> ontologies which may be used by all kinds of people, but whose
>>>>>>> development has stopped.
>>>>>>> Also, we have come to agreements with some domain hosts which
>>>>>>> have sem web ontologies that if they wrap up the project or the
>>>>>>> organization
>>>>>>> we will take over the domain in the future.
>>>>>>> W3C itself has a persistence policy which commits that we will do
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> with another public interest hosting organization should we ever
>>>>>>> wrap up W3C.
>>>>>>> I could ask folks whether we could do this for *
>>>>>>> domains
>>>>>>> which are no longer being modified.
>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>> On 2012-01 -13, at 04:04, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>>>>>>>>> This is only weakly related to this wiki site discussion but
>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>> be easy to solve anyway. Short answers:
>>>>>>>>> * Subdomains of are managed independently and
>>>>>>>>> (mainly) on different servers run by different people. The
>>>>>>>>> responsibility is
>>>>>>>>> with the people who asked for the subdomain. Stefan Decker is
>>>>>>>>> managing the
>>>>>>>>> domain registration and should know who is responsible in cases
>>>>>>>>> where it is
>>>>>>>>> not clear from the web page.
>>>>>>>> Exactly.
>>>>>>>>> * Content of earlier versions of has not been
>>>>>>>>> migrated in the last relaunch of the site a few years ago. As long
>>>>>>>>> as it is
>>>>>>>>> just static HTML content that does not conflict with new content
>>>>>>>>> (i.e., if
>>>>>>>>> there is nothing else under that URL now), it would be possible to
>>>>>>>>> put it
>>>>>>>>> back into its place. To do this, please send me an email with the
>>>>>>>>> archived
>>>>>>>>> HTML content and let me know where to put it. I do not have access
>>>>>>>>> to any
>>>>>>>>> old versions of the site, so I cannot help in finding the old
>>>>>>>>> content.
>>>>>>> How did that happen?
>>>>>>>> Maybe we should also have a look at
>>>>>>>> to figure what is
>>>>>>>> relevant
>>>>>>>> or not (modulo person-pages and long tail). Happy to invest some
>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>> content-wise ...
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>       Michael
>>>>>>>> -[...]
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Professor Stefan Decker
>>>>>> Director, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
>>>>>> Professor of Digital Enterprise
>>>>>> National University of Ireland, Galway. Ireland.
>>>>>> Tel: +353.91.495011
>>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>>> Web:
>>>>>> Personal:
>>>> --
>>>> Dieter Fensel
>>>> Director STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria
>>>> phone: +43-512-507-6488/5, fax: +43-512-507-9872
>>> --
>>> Professor Stefan Decker
>>> Director, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
>>> Professor of Digital Enterprise
>>> National University of Ireland, Galway. Ireland.
>>> Tel: +353.91.495011
>>> E-mail:
>>> Web:
>>> Personal:
> -- 
> Professor Stefan Decker
> Director, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
> Professor of Digital Enterprise
> National University of Ireland, Galway. Ireland.
> Tel: +353.91.495011
> E-mail:
> Web:
> Personal:

Hugh Glaser,  
             Web and Internet Science
             Electronics and Computer Science,
             University of Southampton,
             Southampton SO17 1BJ
Work: +44 23 8059 3670, Fax: +44 23 8059 3045
Mobile: +44 75 9533 4155 , Home: +44 23 8061 5652

Received on Monday, 16 January 2012 14:09:16 UTC