Re: More about Facebook Linked Data

Hi Juan,

I posted some data for ISWC 2011 consideration.  It stems from 3 ideas ...
1. Public Sector Information is most usable when limited to small "sectors".  The code overhead necessary to determine everything in the universe from first principles creates a farm with no harvest, because you are constantly pulling up the crops to see how the roots are doing.  This data is about the ISWC venue only (North Rhine-Westphalia).   The concept is that of a Personal Address Book.

2.  Humans are most usable when you pay attention to what they see in the world around them.  Computers do not know, and could not care less, if the lights are on or off, if it's raining outside, etc..  In a small "sector", the environment is not constant, but it changes least, as compared to variability of the universe at-large.
3. Adult humans need about 8 hours sleep.  So, a sustainable "day" is one that ends about 16 hours after it began.  Most places, this involves getting up in the dark at some times of the year and sleeping in daylight at others.  The only question is what part of that 16 hours should be devoted to work (production) and leisure (consumption), and what gadgets are appropriate for use in which activity.

So here is the site:

and a zip file with the raw data:


From: Juan Sequeda <>
To: Jesse Weaver <>
Cc: " Web" <>;
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: More about Facebook Linked Data

Really cool Jesse!

Now imagine linking this data to the ISWC 2011 metadata for the Linked Data-a-thon :)

Don't forget, deadline is Oct 15.. and anybody can participate!!!

Juan Sequeda

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Jesse Weaver <> wrote:

>In this email, I would like to reveal a bit more about the Linked Data provided through Facebook's Graph API.
>Before I get started, I have been asked about how to get an access token.  Information regarding authentication can be found at .  If you just want a quick way to obtain a security token, just go to and click on one of the example "connections" URLs and it will automatically generate a temporary access token (in the URL) for you (if you're logged in to your Facebook account).
>The main thing I want to point out is that the Graph API is much more than just basic information about users.  See for details.  The Facebook graph includes things like pages, checkins, and links; it also includes "connections" (edges between things in the graph).  Anything you can get from the Graph API can be obtained in Turtle via HTTP content negotiation.  Simply include text/turtle in the Accept header (with a higher q preference than more typical mime types if necessary).  One of the most interesting features of the Graph API is the search mechanism:
>This will include information about a variety of things such as statuses, links, photos, and videos.  (At this point, I feel like I should point out the obvious, that is, that the information you see is only whatever is accessible given the access token provided.)
>Another cool feature is the ability to ask for information about any number of IDs, where an ID could even be the URL of something included in the Open Graph.  For example:
>This includes information about my RPI website (which is in the Open Graph) and myself (jesserweaver).
>All of the HTTP(S) URIs in the RDF are dereferenceable.  Most of the URIs are hash-URIs (that is, strip off the fragment and fetch the document, returning 200 OK), but there are some slash-URIs (for example, ) which 303 redirect.  There are also information resources.  It's quite varied.
>This leads me to discuss the schema (or ontology, or whatever you want to call it).  Even the URIs representing properties and classes are dereferenceable.  For example, is the URI identifying the link class, and will return information (with 200 OK) about the link class.  Information includes relevant properties, possibly specifying whether a relevant property is a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:ObjectProperty, and/or owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.  There may also be rdfs:domain and/or rdfs:range specified where appropriate.
>There are also properties that are not associated with a specific class, and these (generally) use the namespace URI.  Properties using this namespace have very vague semantics.  For example, the property identified by URI (which 303 redirects to ) has the following description:
>"A tag having no semantics beyond the conventional semantics of the JSON key \"data\" as used in the Facebook Graph API."
>So if never_used_as_a_key is never used as a key in the Graph API JSON, then the property is essentially meaningless.  There are two special cases, however.  One is which is a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty with rdfs:range xsd:string.  The other exception is any URI beginning with followed by an optional underscore and then a non-negative integer.  These properties are an attempt at more practical container membership properties.  As an example, check out
> is a rdfs:subPropertyOf,2011:/has (the invented, generic, container membership property) and has an explicitly defined integer index as the value of the,2011:/index property (something missing from the RDF container membership properties).
>@prefix rdf: <> .
>@prefix rdfs: <> .
>@prefix owl: <> .
>@prefix xsd: <> .
>@prefix api: <,2011:/> .
>@prefix og: <> .
>@prefix fb: <> .
>@prefix : <> .
>:_14 a rdf:Property ;
>       rdfs:label "_14" ;
>       rdfs:comment "A tag having no semantics beyond the conventional semantics of the JSON key \"14\" as used in the Facebook Graph API." ;
>       rdfs:subPropertyOf api:has ;
>       api:index 14 .
>URIs used as properties in the Open Graph (except for those in the and namespaces; those URIs go elsewhere) also redirect to the Graph API schema feature.  For example, is a property, and 302-redirects to (302 instead of 303 because they are hash URIs).  For information about Open Graph, see and .  Please understand that the Graph API and the Open Graph are NOT the same thing.
>These are just some of the features of the Facebook Graph API Linked Data.  I have been told that Facebook Linked Data is considered experimental and that continued support depends on the degree of use by developers.
>I hope this was helpful, and I am happy to attempt to answer any questions.  Please understand, though, that I am not a Facebook employee; I only recently finished an internship there.
>Jesse Weaver
>Ph.D. Student, Patroon Fellow
>Tetherless World Constellation
>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Received on Friday, 14 October 2011 16:45:40 UTC