Re: Comments on "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs"

Here's another quick rewrite:

David Booth wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 18:55 +0000, Nathan wrote:
>>> Can something be both a birth certificate and a red lightbulb? (my intuition says no).
> In a given graph g, a URI u can perfectly well (ambiguously) identify
> something that is both a birth certificate and a red
> lightbulb, provided that g has no disjointness or other such predicates
> that would prevent it from being so.
> You need to know what graph you are asking about, and what assertions it
> contains, to answer the question.

So perhaps the question being answered is, can we feasibly carry out a 
conversation where we refer to both a birth certificate and a red 
lightbulb by a single ambiguous name? using RDF?

Possibly, but why even try?

Received on Friday, 18 March 2011 20:52:48 UTC