Re: blank nodes (once again)

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Pat Hayes <> wrote:

> Quite. BTW, this would also be true if you had two graphs with URIs instead
> of blank nodes, even if they were different URIs.
> :joe :has [:dog1 a :dog]
> :joe :has [:dog2 a :dog]
> You would still not know that the two different *names* for dogs did or did
> not name the same dog. Maybe (or maybe not)
> :dog1 owl:sameAs :dog2

Yet you would know something more about the world, that either :joe has two
dogs or that :dog1 owl:sameAs :dog2. Of course, :joe might be a self-owned
dog also known as :dog1 and :dog2.


Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 18:15:21 UTC