Re: LOD Cloud Cache Stats

On 4/7/11 10:19 AM, glenn mcdonald wrote:
>     Create a new conversation and then you own the context.
> What? On what internet are mailing-list participants not allowed to 
> say anything that the person who wrote the subject-line doesn't 
> consider relevant? If you want to enforce "context owning" rules on 
> your corporate announcement blog, go right ahead. But if you're going 
> to post your corporate announcements to public mailing lists, you have 
> to toughen up and deal with results you don't control.


Here's what I mean, in step by form:

1. Write a post to the mailing list of interests using the title: Linked 
Data Quality issues, or what whatever you deem appropriate for the 
discussion / conversation you seek
2. Hit send.


People who are interested will respond, and a new thread is born.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 14:32:44 UTC