On 4/6/11 5:08 PM, glenn mcdonald wrote:
> Context infidelity == you are shifting the landscape that define
> the rules of the conversation I was trying to have.
> Yes, I'm trying to shift the collective conversation around the LOD
> Cloud to recognize and include the idea, which really ought to be
> fairly uncontroversial, that quantity and quality are intertwined.
> Verbosely reified CSV cells, as William noted, are a particularly
> obvious example: they increase the number of triples out of proportion
> to their usefulness.
> If you don't want to participate in this part of the conversation,
> don't. It's a public forum, nobody owns "the context". Until some more
> people weigh in, I don't have any idea what "the list" (or, in this
> case, the three lists) cares about. Raw scale? Accuracy? User
> experience? Nine other things we haven't even mentioned? None of this?
Create a new conversation and then you own the context.
This is my last reply.
Kingsley Idehen
President& CEO
OpenLink Software
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