Re: Possible Idea For a Sem Web Based Game?

On Sat, 20 Nov 2010 23:43:18 +0000
Toby Inkster <> wrote:

> One possible addition, that would go way beyond what the CYOA books
> could offer would be for the client to have a stateful store. So when
> you entered a room, there could be a list of room contents which you
> could collect into your store. The objects that you've collected could
> then influence the progress of the game. Probably need to think a bit
> more about how this should work.

After further thought, this could/should probably be implemented as a
second layer, above the linked data game.

A stateful endpoint would exist which would be a quad store. When
you began a game, a graph would be created in that store representing
your game - this could be multi-player. The graph would be
prepopulated with triples along the lines of:

	<#object13> game:location <#node12> .

At each node, you'd query this endpoint to find what objects exist
(and thus can be collected) at that node. When collecting an object
you'd send an update to the endpoint to remove the triple:

	<#object13> game:location <#node12> .

And add:

	<#object13> game:carrier <#player3> .

When dropping an object you'd do the inverse.

The question though is: how far would we want to go to prevent
cheating? For a single-player game, there's probably no reason to worry
about cheating ("you're only cheating yourself").

For multi-player, while (in my current model) the client software can
pretty easily prevent cheating, the server software cannot. Do we add
lots of crypto, or do we rely on trust?

Toby A Inkster

Received on Sunday, 21 November 2010 19:11:04 UTC