Re: call to arms

On 30 Mar 2010, at 00:31, Emmanuelle GutiƩrrez y Restrepo wrote:

> It needs to be transparant for the user. The user does not have to
> understand what it is of RDF triples, ontology, and so on. Users see clearly
> the advantages and use it when the interfaces are simple and the results are
> practical.

Emmanuelle, do the following:

1. go to
   (imagine that this is some Web 2.0 service you allready use, like a
   university profile page, or your twitter account)

2. Create yourself an account
  ( sorry about this, but I can't magically transform the service you
  are using, so I have to show you on a service that you don't use)

3. Create yourself a WebId in your profile page.
  - note that is one click login

4. Try out some of the demo services we have

Now imagine a bit that this is how all our services are. You will admit that this is easier than what we have now since:

  0. the user never sees any rdf triple. (it's in the rdfa)
  1. you would never need to create another account (unless you wanted to)
  2. you could access remote services without typing a login or a password or even an openid
  3. the whole web would feed like a social network
  4. your data could be safe on your own server (useful for government and medical organisations) as well as for people in countries with less restrictions on their governements.


Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 23:09:59 UTC