Re: Call for Game Ideas: the INSEMTIVES Game Challenge

On 15 Feb 2010, at 18:11, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

> Any prize for the top score? :)
> Enjoyed playing this game, but I think you need to encourage more of a
> 'Linked Open Game' style.
> So
> 1. I should be able to login with my FOAF (e.g. FOAF+SSL or say
> semantictweet)
> 2. Invite a friend should be taken from my foaf:knows
> 3. My score should be marked up using RDF, as a local 'asset'
> 4. My assets should be exportable to the Linked Data ecosystem (FOAF)
> Essentially this enables you to build up a global reputation for performing
> various actions, and to be able to view the metrics (scores) at Web Scale.
> The world of gaming has been *crying* out for something like this for 30
> years.  Closest we have is something like chess ratings or maybe the
> Olympics.

Agreed! That would be a magnificient example of a Semantic Web game!


Received on Monday, 15 February 2010 18:21:15 UTC